Test 3 - Topics 1. Present and past tense of to be (conjugation) – fill in the blanks: Die Studenten sind heute in der Klasse. Alex war gestern in Kentville.
2. Know and be able to write the professions in the singular and nationalities in sing. and pl. Ich bin Taxifahrerin (taxidriver f.) Sie sind Franzosen
3. Be able to form sentences with question words or to pick the correct question word. The sentences will have common verbs: e.g. studieren, wohnen, fahren (you only have to recognize „fahren“), sein, haben, beginnen, dauern. Wie viele Klassen hast du heute?
4. Be able to write expressions with der/kein words and adjectives (from the worksheet) (only two or max. 2 expressions) the green book das grüne Buch
5 Be able to translate possessive pronouns together with nouns and in short sentences also including „kein“: my father, your son, etc. My father is not a Canadian. Mein Vater ist kein Kanadier
6. Be able to write about a person given his/her name, age, country of origin, nationality, profession, place of residence, Das ist Franka. Sie kommt aus... Sie....
7. Know compass directions and how to write them. Know where major continents/countries lie in relation to each other on the Europe map. Dänemark liegt südlich von Schweden. Italien liegt im Süden von Europa.