Objectives Appreciate the difference between the traditional HRM and SHRM Acquire an overview of the conceptual framework of SHRM Understand the VRIO framework(Value- Rareness-Imitability- Organization) Articulate clearly the challenges facing the business and how HR can help overcome them by partnering with line managers
Topics 1.Introduction to Strategic HR 2. Human Resource Environment Technology and organizational Structure –Broad influences of Technology-Influences of HRIS--Global environment-Global competition-Global sourcing of labour
3.Investment practices for Improved Retention Organizational Cultures Emphasizing Interpersonal Relationship values- effective selection procedures-Compensation and benefits-job enrichment and job satisfaction-practices providing work life balance-other practices in facilitating retention 4.Investment in Training and development Investments in Employability –Current practices in training investments-On the job training-Investments in Management development –Prevention of Skill Obsolescence-Reduction in career plateauing
5.Strategically Oriented Performance Measurement Systems Performance Measurement Approaches-Performance Evaluation of Executives –Effectiveness of Performance Measurement 6.Strategically oriented Compensation Traditional Compensation Systems-Strategic Inadequacies of Traditional Compensation Approaches-Skill based pay-Broad banding-Team based pay-Variable Compensation-Executive compensation 7.Dealing with Employee Surplus Redeployment and Retaining-Early Retirement-Retreat from Employment Security policies-Downsizing and layoffs-Termination strategies
8.Human Resource Evaluation-Audit approaches-Analytical Approaches- Quantitative and Qualitative Measures-Balance Scorecard perspective- Benchmarking-Industry Influences
Project Group Project: The purpose of the Group Project is to give you all a chance to apply what you have learned from SHRM on the concrete realities of a specific business organization. You will do this as a team of not more than 3 people.
Project should cover the following areas: Brief description of the company’s business strategy(ies) or corporate objectives; Description of the desired human organization that will ensure the delivery of the business strategy(ies) or achieve corporate objectives. You can use the 7 S or Balance Scorecard frameworks, or a combination of the 2 frameworks in doing this; Analysis of the existing organization and identification of gaps Recommendations on HR strategies, policies, programs and practices that will create the desired human organization. Note that all the topics we will be exploring in class are directed towards creating a human organization that will support the business strategies and goals of business organizations.
Books Recommended 1.Strategic HRM-Jeffrey Mello,Thomson Publiation New Delhi 2. Strategic HRM-Charles R.Greer,Pearson education Asia,New Delhi 3.Strategic HRM-Michael Armstrong,Kogan Page London 4.Strategic HRM-Agarwal,Oxford University Press,New Delhi 5.Human Resource Management –Gary Dessler,PHI,New Delhi 6.Strategic and Development-Richard Regis-Excel books,New Delhi Additional Reading The HR Value Proposition-By Dave Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank(Harvard Business School Press) If HR Were Strategically Proactive-By Wayne Brockbank Competencies for the New HR-By Wayne Brockbank and Dave Ulrich)
Additional research The Emerging Roles of HR Read: A New Mandate for Human Resources, by Dave Ulrich, Aligning HR to the Business Read: Aligning Business and HR Strategies, by Linda Holbeche Organizational Alignment: The 7S Model Having Trouble with your Strategy? Then Map It Developing a Competency Model Read: The Core Competence of the Corporation Definition of a Competency ` Designing Competency Studies