Stock Market Crash October 1929 [Corel]. United States-Economy Economic Boom Lending money “Bull Market” More risk takers, buying stock on margin, bought.


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Presentation transcript:

Stock Market Crash October 1929 [Corel]

United States-Economy Economic Boom Lending money “Bull Market” More risk takers, buying stock on margin, bought more goods using credit Library of Congress]

United States-Economy Economic Weaknesses Farms-Falling Prices Workers did not receive a wage increase with increase of production Many people held out of buying goods This led to slow demand and overproduction [Library of Congress]

United States-Economy October 1929-Brokers asked for loans back Investors unable to pay Financial panic, Stock plummeted, industry and wages down By 1933, ¼ of American workers are unemployed [UPI-Bettmann/Corbis]

United States-Politically People blamed the Republican Presidents for the economy [Franklin D. Roosevelt Library] Social Security Administration]

United States-Politically FDR and the New Deal Legislation Federal Government to provide relief for unemployed In 1931 Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President of US [Library of Congress]

United States-Politically Bills passed Congress: Regulation of Banks and Stock Market Production guidelines for Industry and Agriculture [Franklin D. Roosevelt Library]

[Library of Congress] THE DUST BOWL