Network & Core System Configurations for APAN SG Medical Session Koji OKAMURA Kyushu University
PC DVTS(S) Quatre NTSC Bi-Directional e3 e4 e1 e2 vlan /24 vlan /24 eth /29 eth /29 AR550S-A 1,2 3,4 0 1 vlan /24 vlan /24 eth /29 eth /29 AR550S-B 1,2 3,4 0 1 Reflector NTSC Uni-Directional e1 e2 vlan /24 vlan /24 eth /29 eth /29 AR550S-C 1,2 3,4 0 1 vlan /24 vlan /24 eth /24 eth /24 Kyushu Univ. Hospital / Japan 1,2 3,4 DV CAM. 0 1 PC DVTS(S) PC DVTS(S/R) DV CAM. MONITOR Tokyo Venue / Japan AR550S#13 vlan /24 vlan /24 eth /29 NCC / Korea 1,2 3,4 DV CAM. 0 1 PC DVTS(R) PC DVTS(S/R) MONITOR AR550S#14 SECURITY IPsec APAN Tokyo (25-Jan-2006) Last up date 23-Jan :45f vlan /24 vlan /24 eth /29 National Taiwan Univ. / Taiwan 1,2 3,4 DV CAM. 0 1 PC DVTS(R) PC DVTS(S/R) MONITOR AR550S#15 vlan /24 vlan /24 eth /29 eth /29 AKIHABARA Convention Center / Japan 1,2 3,4 DV CAM. 0 1 PC DVTS(S/R) DV CAM. MONITOR AR550S#16 Quatre DVCommCPY VPN Router Previous Tokyo Meeting
Allied Tetesis VPN Router AR550S Quatre DVCommCPY Previous Tokyo Meeting
VPN Router: allied-telesis(syn) New Model: AR570S 1G $20 available: 2006/06 Major Model: AR550S 100M $100 VPN Throughput 100Mbps VPN Throughput 900Mbps IP-Sec Throughput: very low than VPN 100Mbps VPN Throughput ???Mbps
Quatre for Demo-1 Xeon 3.0GHz x 2 Quatre for Demo-1 Xeon 3.0GHz x 2 Quatre for Demo-2 Xeon 2.8GHz x 2 Quatre for Demo-2 Xeon 2.8GHz x 2 VPN Router AR550S VPN Router AR550S Network room in Computer and Communications Center, Kyushu University (it is not my office :)
/ / / / / / / /24 Shanghai Hong Kong Taichung Internet SINET,APAN,TEIN2,J GN2,CERNET,CSTNE T,ASNET,HERNET,Si ngAREN,TWAREN,Q GPOP,KITE
VPN / / / / / / / /24
VPN / / / / / / / /24
Issues for Preparation Making perfect Configuration files for AR5xxS is a little bit difficult. Allied Telesis helps to make them with actual testing. –Allied Telesis sends the final version after local testing with actual environment to me. –I load the file to all router and install IP-SEC setting. IP address for each site is necessary to make configuration file and set-up.
# system Configuration set system name="KyuUniv#1" # USER Configuration set user securedelay=600 set user minpwdlen=3 add user=secoff password=secoff privilege=securityofficer enable user rso add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= add user rso ip= mask= # VLAN Defaine Configuration create vlan=vlan11 vid=11 create vlan=vlan12 vid=12 add vlan=vlan11 po=1-2 add vlan=vlan12 po=3-5 # IP Configuration enable ip add ip int=eth0 ip= mask= add ip int=vlan11 ip= mask= add ip int=vlan12 ip= mask= add ip rou= mask= int=eth0 next= set ping sipa= # SNMP Configuration ena snmp create snmp community=public open=yes # DHCP_SERVER Configration enable dhcp create dhcp policy=dhcp_pol1 lease=7200 add dhcp policy=dhcp_pol1 subnet= router= create dhcp range=dhcp_ran1 policy=dhcp_pol1 ip= num=10 create dhcp policy=dhcp_pol2 lease=7200 add dhcp policy=dhcp_pol2 subnet= router= create dhcp range=dhcp_ran2 policy=dhcp_pol2 ip= num=10 # ISAKMP Configration enable isakmp create isakmp pol=ISA_NUS pe= key=1 sendn=true sendd=true hear=BOTH create isakmp pol=ISA_VGHTC pe= key=1 sendn=true sendd=true hear=BOTH create isakmp pol=ISA_CHHK pe= key=1 sendn=true sendd=true hear=BOTH create isakmp pol=ISA_SJTU pe= key=1 sendn=true sendd=true hear=BOTH # IPSEC Configration enable ipsec create ipsec sas=1 key=isakmp prot=esp enc=des hasha=sha create ipsec bund=1 key=isakmp string=1 # IPsec Policy [ISAKMP_MESSAGE] create ipsec pol=isakmp_mes0 int=eth0 ac=permit lp=500 rp=500 tra=udp # IPsec Policy [IPSEC_NUS] create ipsec pol=IPSEC_NUS int=eth0 ac=ipsec key=isakmp bund=1 peer= set ipsec pol=IPSEC_NUS lad= lma= rad= rma= # IPsec Policy [IPSEC_VGHTC] create ipsec pol=IPSEC_VGHTC int=eth0 ac=ipsec key=isakmp bund=1 peer= set ipsec pol=IPSEC_VGHTC lad= lma= rad= rma= # IPsec Policy [IPSEC_CHHK] create ipsec pol=IPSEC_CHHK int=eth0 ac=ipsec key=isakmp bund=1 peer= set ipsec pol=IPSEC_CHHK lad= lma= rad= rma= # IPsec Policy [IPSEC_SJTU] create ipsec pol=IPSEC_SJTU int=eth0 ac=ipsec key=isakmp bund=1 peer= set ipsec pol=IPSEC_SJTU lad= lma= rad= rma= # IPsec Policy [INTERNET] create ipsec pol=internet1 int=eth0 ac=permit