2008 GOOD DAY EN ESPANOL Underwriting Partnership MAXIMUM RESULTS
WHY MARKET TO HISPANICS? Hispanics Are The Fastest Growing Population In The Sacramento DMA Sacramento is the 20 th largest television market in the nation -- the 11 th largest Hispanic population in the US Sacramento’s Hispanic population totals 17.3% of the total population in the television viewing area. Within the past 4 years, the Sacramento market has seen an increase of +14% in Hispanic households Hispanics are the largest minority group in the area. * There are twice as many children under 18 in Hispanic households vs. non-Hispanic households. One out of every 5 homes are Hispanic in the Sacramento television market. However, one out of 3 homes are Hispanic in Stockton and Modesto 28.4% of Stockton/Modesto households are Hispanic Source: NSI November 07 vs. November 04; *Hispanic NSI, Feb 2007 GOOD DAY SAP
POSITIVE PR ” “ [The Spanish Population] … is part of Sacramento’s lifeblood. Broadcasting & Cable; March 7, 2005 [KMAX is saying] ’we know you’re there and we respect your language and your culture. ” “ Broadcasting & Cable; March 7, 2005 GOOD DAY SAP “ ” I definitely see this as an example of people figuring out that this is a lucrative and fast growing segment of the market. -Sacramento Business Journal
WHAT IS SAP ON GOOD DAY? Live Spanish interpreters inside a sound proof booth translate the fun and energy of Good Day Sacramento All viewers – English and Spanish - are fully aware of the service and the sponsor Simultaneous secondary audio program Spanish translation 31 hours of programming every week No subtitles Total English/Spanish program integration into Good Day Sacramento everyday; multiple times each day! GOOD DAY SAP
VIEWERS WATCH GOOD DAY GOOD DAY SAP Source: Nielsen Media Research 7a-9a Mon-Fri, Nov 2007 Adults Adults Adults Women 18-34Women Men Men Men Women #1 3 books in a row
WEEKENDS TOO! GOOD DAY SAP NSI Sacramento Nov’07 Sat-Sun 7a-10a A18-49F18-49M18-49 Sat 7a-10a #1 #2 Sun 7a-10a #1 A18-49F18-49M18-49 Sat 7a-10a #1 #2 Sun 7a-10a #1 A18-49F18-49M18-49 Sat 7a-10a #1 #2 Sun 7a-10a #1
HISPANIC VIEWERS ARE TURNING TO GOOD DAY SACRAMENTO GOOD DAY SAP Source: Hispanic Nielsen Feb 03 vs. Feb 07 Hispanic Adults Up 210% Hispanic Adults Up 294%
LIVE SAP Sponsorship hourly mentions during Good Day Sacramento WELLS FARGO SIGNAGE prominently on and inside the booth – the Wells Fargo Audio Booth ANIMATIONS in the lower third of the TV screen including Wells Fargo’s logo and promoting Wells Fargo as the sponsor (see next page) FULL SCREEN VIDEO BUMPS with Wells Fargo logo explaining SAP BONUS! SEGMENT INCLUSION Spanish interpreters inclusion inside segments (Teen’s Tune, Question of the Day, etc) BONUS! SAP available for Wells Fargo’s commercial audio tracks SAP PROMOTIONAL ELEMENTS GOOD DAY SAP
SAP ELEMENTS A minimum of 14 animated stingers per week informing viewers that Good Day Sacramento can be heard en Espanol on the SAP channel Includes: Audio mention of Wells Fargo Wells Fargo logo Camera Shot of the SAP Booth and Wells Fargo signage STINGER ANIMATION IN LOWER THIRD OF TV SCREEN
A minimum of 14 LIVE “full screen bumps” per week (going into or coming out of commercials) Includes Wells Fargo’s logo informing viewers that Good Day Sacramento en Espanol, is available on the SAP channel FULL SCREEN VIDEO BUMPS WITH YOUR LOGO EXPLAINING SAP SAP ELEMENTS
THE ANNUAL VALUE Stinger Animations 728x Full Screen Bumps 728x Inclusion In Segments364x Minimum Total Mentions 1856x Gross Impressions Adults ,246,000 Adults ,992,000 VALUE: $323,779 GOOD DAY SAP
ONE MORE THING... GOOD DAY SAP We’ll Create A Wells Fargo Stagecoach Facade For The SAP Booth! Sponsored By And Valley Small Businesses including