Inventory Tests Gaining a clear picture of yourself through accurate evaluation.
Purpose of Inventories To use researched methods to determine any of the following: – How one learns – Types of intelligences – Personality type – Abilities or tendencies
Accuracy of Inventories Dependent on type of questions asked and the scientific accuracy of the test’s design. Individual differences - tests help describe a person or identify characteristics. But they do not always produce an accurate picture. Individuals can affect results by not answering honestly or misunderstanding the question.
Validity Meyers-Briggs: the most scientifically accurate personality test available. Solomon-Felder’s Learning Style Inventory: most accurate of the learning style inventories. VARK: less accurate… but interesting.
Key to Accurate Results Answer questions quickly - do not think too much about any question. Answer them truthfully - not according to what or how you would like to be. There is no better response or result. Try not to read into the questions…. You will quickly invalidate the test.