VARK Learning Styles Inventory
VARK What it is It is about PREFERENCES It is about LEARNING It is about YOU Scores indicate how you learn What it isn’t It isn’t about STRENGTHS It isn’t about LEISURE It isn’t about the preference of OTHERS Score doesn’t indicate how you teach, train, or work
VISUAL Intake Diagrams and Pictures Videos, Posters and Slides Flow Charts Underlining or Highlighting Reconstruct Images in different ways Use different spatial arrangements Redraw pages from memory Output Draw things Use diagrams Write exam answers Recall the pictures made by your pages Practice turning your visuals back into words
VISUAL Replace words with symbols Look at your pages Convert lecture notes into picture pages
VISUAL You want the whole picture so you are probably holistic rather than reductionist in your approach.. You are often swayed by the look of an object. You are interested in color and layout and design and you know where you are in your environment. You are probably going to draw something.
AURAL (ORAL) Intake Attend classes Attend discussions and tutorials Discuss topics with your teachers Explain new ideas to others Remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes Leave spaces in notes for later recall Output Imagine talking with the teacher Listen to your voices and write them down Spend time in quiet places recalling the ideas Practice writing answers to old exam questions Speak your answers aloud or inside your head
AURAL (ORAL) Your notes may be poor because you prefer to listen. You will need to expand your notes Put your summarized notes onto voice recordings Ask others to hear your understanding of a topic Read your summarized notes aloud
AURAL (ORAL) You prefer to have this page explained to you. The written words are not as valuable as those you hear. You will probably go and tell somebody about this.
READING/WRITING Intake Lists Headings Definitions Handouts Textbooks Reading Essays Output Write exam answers Practice multiple choice questions Write paragraphs, beginnings and endings Write your lists (a,b,c, 1,2,3) Arrange your words into hierarchies and points
READ/WRITE Write out the words again and again Read your notes (silently) again and again Rewrite the ideas and principles into other words Organize any diagrams, graphs into statements Turn reactions, actions, diagrams into words Imagine lists arranged in multiple choice questions
READ/WRITE You like this page because the emphasis is on words and lists. You believe the meanings are within the words, so any talk is OK but this handout is better. You are heading for the library.
KINESTHETIC Intake Use all your senses Labs Field trips Examples Hands-on approaches Trial and error Collections Exhibits, Samples, Photos Output Write practice answers Write paragraphs Role play the exam situation
KINESTHETIC Your lecture notes may be poor because the topics were not concrete You will remember the “real” things that happened Put examples in your summary Talk about your notes with another person Use pictures and photos to illustrate an idea Recall the experiments, field trip
KINESTHETIC You want to experience the exam so that you can understand it. The ideas on this page are only valuable if they sound practical, real, and relevant to you. You need to do things to understand.