Welcome to (Insert Course info) Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
2 Siegel, Introduction to Criminal Justice, 12/e + the Careers in Criminal Justice Website are your required course materials chosen by (Insert prof) 1.You can get a better grade by using these course materials. 2.You will be given reading and homework assignments from these materials. 3.You will be tested on content from these materials. Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
3 Careers in Criminal Justice Website Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade What You Get on the Careers in Criminal Justice Website: Unique Student Interest Assessment component 25+ Video Interviews with Criminal Justice professors Career Rolodex: salary info, qualifications & job descriptions Career Planner: Sample resumes, letters, thank you letters, Sample interview questions, and types of interviews Links for Reference: Contact information for over 30 Federal Agencies CJ Files Videos: First Day of Class or lecture launcher videos How To Register or Purchase Access 1.Go to 2.Click on “Register” to log in for the first time with the access code that was packaged with your text. 3.Click on “Purchase” to buy an access code if one did not come packaged with your textbook. 4.Click on “Sign in” to log in after your initial registration. This is the correct page to bookmark for future use.
4 WHERE TO BUY YOUR REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS (MAKE APPROPRIATE EDITS BASED ON EACH ADOPTION) 1.Bookstore Textbook/bundle title info Bookstore’s price If a bundle, show savings compared to the stand-alone items Insert any other available ancillaries (Include the following if employing an iChapters.com strategy) 2. iChapters.com eBook: 50%off the price of the textbook eChapters: Buy individual chapters as you need them Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
5 Purchase textbooks in the format and at the price that is right for you. Print Options NEW print textbooks at up to 15% off, + Free Shipping! Digital Options Electronic texts up to 50% off Individual chapters for as little as $1.99 Study Tools Study Guides, Online Homework Assistance, Audio Content, and more Visit to buy the way you want and SAVE ! Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade