Expanded Public Works Programme EPWP 3 rd Summit Commissions Discussions Template 1
Commission 01: EPWP Institutional Arrangements 2 IssueActionResponsibilityTime Frames How to streamline and improve the institutional arrangements in EPWP? (with focus of introducing convergence to avoid duplication at coordination level) How should the EPWP be institutionalised within the PEP IMC and the Provincial EPWP Political Structures? (Roles and responsibilities of each role-player) How to ensure that sectoral and sphere structures engage effectively?
Cont’d..commission 01: EPWP Institutional Arrangements 3 IssueActionResponsibilityTime Frames What strategies should be used to prioritise EPWP in IDPs and Provincial Plans? How can the EPWP use protocols, policies and incentive agreements to improve accountability and implementation of the programme?
Commission 02: Implementing Sustainable Livelihoods 4 IssueActionResponsibilityTime Frames How to achieve Sustainable Livelihoods within the context of EPWP? What type of programmes/activities are required to achieve Sustainable Livelihoods? What indicators should be used to measure SL in EPWP? What Sustainable Livelihoods strategies should be developed?
Commission 03: Practical measures to achieve convergence 5 IssueActionResponsibilityTime Frames How should the EPWP sectors and programmes converge? At which stage of the project management cycle (i.e. conceptual, design, planning, implementation) should convergence take place and how? What is the role of the EPWP unit at DPW in terms of convergence?
Commission 04: EPWP Management Information needs 6 Issue ActionResponsibilityTime Frames Reporting beyond numbers: what type of indicators are important for reporting? How to close data gaps existing in EPWP? Data process flow –which model should be adopted data integrity and ownership of data? Ownership of data – who is responsible for what and how to ensure this ownership takes place? How to improve the data gaps that exist in the EPWP reports? What strategies should be used to improve auditing processes in EPWP?