Jeopardy Geography Early Man And Civilizations Early India and China, Assyria and Persia Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Egypt and Mesopotamia Final Jeopardy Judaism
$100 Question from Geography What is the study of the Earth, its resources, and how it is used by the people who live on it?
$100 Answer from Geography Geography! (2)
$200 Question from Geography What’s the difference between a primary source of information and a secondary source of information?
$200 Answer from Geography A primary source is written by someone who was actually at an event A secondary source of information is written by someone who was not at an event (1)
$300 Question from Geography What is the name for the triangle shaped piece of land formed from items carried downstream by a river and deposited at its mouth (which is commonly found along the Nile River)?
$300 Answer from Geography A Delta! (17)
$400 Question from Geography What is the name of the peninsula (a piece of land surrounded on 3 sides by water like India) below that is found in-between Egypt and Israel?
$400 Answer from Geography The Sinai Peninsula (1 st Test Map Section, 74)
$500 Question from Geography What are the 5 themes of geography?
$500 Answer from Geography Place, Region, Movement, Location And Human Environment Interaction (3)
$100 Question from Judaism Why is Judaism a monotheistic religion?
$100 Answer from Judaism Because they only worship one god! ( Unlike the Sumerians and Egyptians who were polytheistic because they worshipped many gods and believed all things in nature, be they diseases or disasters were caused by the gods) (42, 43, 71, 98)
$200 Question from Judaism What religious figure led the Jews out of Egypt and was also given the 10 Commandments?
$200 Answer from Judaism Moses (101)
$300 Question from Judaism What was the massive departure of the Jews from Egypt back to Canaan (where Jericho is located) called?
$300 Answer from Judaism Exodus (1 st Test Map Section, 102)
$400 Question from Judaism Jewish kings Saul and David established what capital city that is still important to the Jews today?
$400 Answer from Judaism Jerusalem (103)
$500 Question from Judaism The Jewish religious figure Abraham is also important to what other two religions?
$500 Answer from Judaism Christianity And Islam (100)
$100 Question from Early Man and Civilizations The first stage of man, Australopithecus Afarenis started on which continent?
$100 Answer from Early Man and Civilizations Africa (21)
$200 Question from Early Man and Civilizations Name one of 6 characteristics of a civilization
$200 Answer from Early Man and Civilizations Cities with a Constant Food Supply Specialized Jobs Social order of those jobs Government Religion System Arts (35)
$300 Question from Early Man and Civilizations During the Neolithic Age was man hunter and gatherers or farmers?
$300 Answer from Early Man and Civilizations Farmers! (during the Paleolithic Period they were hunters and gatherers) (29,22)
$400 Question from Early Man and Civilizations Who built this temple which was used for religious purposes, to hold grain, and for government purposes?
$400 Answer from Early Man and Civilizations The Sumerians! (44)
$500 Question from Early Man and Civilizations Which stage of man was the first stage to migrate (leave) out of Africa and produce fire?
$500 Answer from Early Man and Civilizations Homo Erectus (25)
$100 Question from Egypt and Mesopotamia What 2 rivers run through Mesopotamia (which connected Asia, Europe, and Africa together)?
$100 Answer from Egypt and Mesopotamia Tigris and Euphrates River (37)
$200 Question from Egypt and Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt is considered a perfect example of a theocracy - What is a theocracy?
$200 Answer from Egypt and Mesopotamia A government in which the ruler is also in charge of the religion (The King = the High Priest) (for example, the pharaoh is both god and king) (41, 63, 64) =
$300 Question from Egypt and Mesopotamia The Sumerians created one of the first forms of writing during the Neolithic period – what is that form of writing called?
$300 Answer from Egypt and Mesopotamia Cuneiform (which was later used to write their greatest story – the Epic of Gilgamesh) (47, 49)
$400 Question from Egypt and Mesopotamia What king united Upper and Lower Egypt right before the Old Kingdom (the way they measured time in Egyptian history)?
$400 Answer from Egypt and Mesopotamia King Menes (Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt thanks to the Nile River which flowed upstream thanks to various landforms and the cataract or Rapids which made travel difficult) (53, 55, 61, 62)
$500 Question from Egypt and Mesopotamia The ancient system of laws known As Hammurabi’s Code (which worked On the basis of “an eye for an eye, a Tooth for a tooth” was from where?
$500 Answer from Egypt and Mesopotamia Babylon (51) (unfortunately the code didn’t treat everyone fairly like for instance women and the poor)
$100 Question from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia What is the name of the Indian seasonal storms that bring India during the summer either too much or too little precipitation which effects how crops grow?
$100 Answer from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia Monsoons! (77)
$200 Question from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia What is the Chinese idea that states that the gods choose who should rule and that if the ruler goes against the will of the gods, the people will suffer?
$200 Answer from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia Mandate from Heaven (87)
$300 Question from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia What are the names of the 2 rivers that go through Ancient India?
$300 Answer from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia The Indus River and the Ganges River (76)
$400 Question from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia Provinces were used by the Assyrians and Persians in their empires – what’s a province?
$400 Answer from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia A state of an empire (the Persians used governors called satraps to lead their provinces and make sure the conquered people keep their languages and laws – the Assyrians on the other hand mistreated their conquered people for the most part with the exception of the Assyrian King Ashubinapal who tried to preserve Sumerian writing!) (107, 108, 114, 115)
$500 Question from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia What is a group of related rulers who govern/rule over an extended period of time (like in Egypt or China with the Shang, Xia, and Zhou)?
$500 Answer from Early India and China, Assyria and Persia A Dynasty (83)
Final Jeopardy Question Archaeologists (people who dig up early settlements), anthropologists (scientists who try to recreate civilizations), and paleontologists (scientists who try to recreate ancient civilizations), all try to use what specific element/isotope to find out how old a fossil is?
Final Jeopardy Answer Carbon 14! (18, 19, 20)