“The Monitor" System Training Guide For Providers IMS Health
Contents –The Homepage –Different Account Roles –Create Accounts –Reports and Data Module –Provider Survey
Enter to access Patient Surveys Pending completion of Provider Survey Enter to access BUMED Dashboard & User Manager Functions Enter to access FAQs
MTF CDR Providers Branch Clinic OIC Region CDR Provider Reports Clinics Dashboard Clinic Dashboard Clinic Dashboard Provider Reports Provider Reports MTF Dashboard Clinics Dashboard Region Dashboard MTF Dashboards Roles Access Level MTF POC* DirectorMTF Staff MTFs Dashboards Clinics Dashboard Account Roles and Access levels BUMED PM* BUMED Dashboard Region Dashboard MTFs Dashboards Clinic Dashboard Provider Reports BUMED Clinics Dashboard BUMED Dashboard Region Dashboard MTFs Dashboards Region *POC/Staff Clinics Dashboard Region Dashboard MTFs Dashboards The provider user role and access level is shown in the red oval.
Create/Request Provider Account
Below is the BUMED Login screen located inside the Reports and Data module on The Monitor Homepage. It allows users to: 1) create accounts to gain access to special reports, 2) reset a password, and 3) view special reports. It also allows administrators to login to manage user accounts. Administrator’s Login Click here to create a new account
After clicking the “Create Your User Name” link, the user will see the screen below, which allows the user to create a username. The username has a minimum of 7 characters. After entering your username, click ‘Next”. 2. After creating your username, click the “Next” button 1. Enter your newly created username
In the section below, the user must select a user role associated with their assigned level of responsibility and the location of that role. Drop Down Menu Select Region Drop Down Clinic Menu for selected MTF Operations Manager role is for individuals designated to analyze data. Provider ID per CHCS Drop Down Menu for MTF in a selected Region
After you create a username, you will see the profile information screen, which allows the user to input information that will determine their access level to the BUMED Login (Reporting Module). Input First and Last Name Only Select Rank Drop Down Menu Office Phone Number Select A Branch of Service Select Level of “Provider” Select your Region Select your MTF Select your Branch Clinic Input your Provider ID
The third section of the profile information screen is called “User UserID and Password”. In this section, the user must create a password, enter their.mil address and create a security question and answer for future reference. The username is populated from the “create Username Screen” Create a password that meets DoD security standards Enter your.mil address Enter an answer to your security question Click “Create User” button when all of the information in the profile is complete Enter a security question. This allows the user to reset their password if needed.
Once the user confirms that they would like to submit the account request to the Administrator, the “Complete” screen will appear to notify the user that their account has been successfully created, followed by a message from the Navy Medical Monitor Support Center acknowledging your request. 1 2
BUMED LOGIN Reporting Module
The BUMED Login screen below is located inside the Reports and Data Module on The Monitor Homepage. Its primary function is to allow a user to login, view the dashboards, and various levels of reported data. The users’ view are determined by their access level. User enters previously created password User enters previously created username After typing in your username and password, the user clicks the login button
Following log-in, the provider will see the Clinic level report. Each level of the reporting module defaults to the Encounter view. From this level the provider can access their own unique provider dashboard by double clicking on the drill down chart in the lower right hand corner.
The above bar allows the user to directly access different areas of the reporting module; 1) Reports allows navigation to online reports, 2) Dashboards allows navigation through the dashboards displayed following log-in, 3) Peer Dashboards allows navigation to Peer dashboards that enable comparisons of Parent MTFs by peer group, 4) Analyze allows navigation to the OLAP tool for more customized analysis, 5) Reference allows navigation to the Reference document library. The above bar illustrates the thresholds for the scores and the overall scores of the four categories for the level of data the user is viewing. The date filter illustrated to the left allows the user to set the date range in which they would like to view the data.
The scorecard display above provides the viewer access to the scorecards for each of the four categories of questions, which are 1) Encounter, 2) Access, 3) Facility, and 4) Ancillary. The table above displays the response rate analysis. On the website, it is located below the scorecard that is shown to the left. This table illustrates the total completed surveys and the break out of completed surveys by type. Note: The data shown in this section is in real time.
Below is the default provider dashboard view. This view shows the provider’s name, provider id, number of survey’s complete, their satisfaction score, the trend of their score over time.
After the provider selects a date of survey completion within the drop down window, the provider can then see each individual survey completed for that date. The survey view contains a short description of each question, the responses to each question for that survey, and the respondents comment ( if provided).
Select a time period – day, week, or month Enter the number of days, weeks, or months and click “Display Comments” to view this report, then click “Display Comments” For a provider to view all comments patients have provided, the provider should do the following: 1)Click on “View all your survey comments” to view patients’ comments within a specific number of days, weeks, or months. 2)Then enter the number of days, weeks, or months and click “Display Comments” to view this report 1 2
Below is the initial screen that appears when accessing the Reports page. The reports area houses canned reports that are generated bi-weekly.
Below is the initial screen viewed when accessing the Analyze page. The analyze tool allows users to click and drag various data dimensions to create ad hoc reports, and export charts to PowerPoint and Excel.
Provider Survey
The contract Statement of Work requires an annual provider survey to assess providers perception of the survey. The purpose of the provider survey is to obtain provider feedback on the information collected from the patient satisfaction survey. Provider feedback will help shape survey questions for the next fiscal year. Participants in the provider survey process will be 20% of those providers whose patients responded to the patient satisfaction survey request. Providers having no patients to respond shall not be surveyed. The providers eligible to be surveyed will be receive an inviting them to log into The Monitor and complete the survey. The provider’s survey will be housed in the “Provider's Information” quadrant on the homepage.