TSE ’ s Next Step for TD-net Our experience with XBRL Masaru TOKITA Director of Listing & Corporate Liaison, TOKYO STOCK EXCHANGE, Inc. 9 th XBRL International Conference
“One of the Leading Stock Exchanges in the World”, Tokyo Stock Exchange Market Capitalization End of March, 2004 (Mil. USD) Trading Value Monthly Average in 2004 (Mil. USD) Number of Listed Company, End of March, 2004 NYSE 11,670,642996,2092,302 Tokyo 3,477,888274,3232,237 Nasdaq 2,832,942770,9053,268 London 2,454,481460,8112,693 Euronext *** 2,054,663219,0961,369 Deutsche Börse ** 1,023,705154, TSX Group * 971,49862,7053,635 Hong Kong 740,79945,9421,048 Swiss Exchange 717,43775, Australian 612,21440,9091,496 * TSX Group includes companies listed on TSX Venture ** Excluding the market segment "Freiverkehr" (unofficial regulated market) *** Euronext includes Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, and Paris figures
EDINET (legal) EDINT (administrative service) Present situation of electronic disclosure of company information Reading rooms at Local Finance Bureaus, etc. FSA’s Web site Media institutions, etc. TSE’s Web site TDnet DBS Ordinaryinvestors Timely disclosure (TSE) Legal disclosure (FSA) Listed companies TDnet Newspaper, TV, Information terminals, etc. Immediate Will be Immediate One-day delay Fee-charging, Past information Free, Eight days
What is the TDnet (Timely Disclosure network)? TDnet (which is a timely disclosure network system) 【 Operations began in April 1998 】 (1) Submit and register disclosure data to the TSE online (2) Give explanations of disclosure data to the TSE over the phone (3) Output disclosure data on TDnet terminals set at media institutions (4) Obtain certificates (at any time after disclosure) (5) Enable the public to view disclosure data (TSE’s web site, TDnet database service) * The public can view the data on the TSE’s Web site ( or by using the database service from the following morning. Listed companies TDnet Investors Contractors Register Issue certificates Media institutions Database service TSE’s Web site
Usage of XBRL in TD-net zXBRL is used for inputting numerical data such as Earning Digests, Corrections, etc. zIf data are input into special disclosure software provided by TSE, both XBRL format and PDF format (disclosure material) data will be produced at the same time. zNumerical data are accumulated as XBRL format in database Reference format of Earning Digest
TSE’s Future Challenges zExplore further possibilities from any angle ! zPay attention to other XBRL efforts worldwide ! zKeep in contact with those who are active in the front lines throughout the world ! TSE is regarded as a pioneer in the introduction of XBRL in Japan. TSE is regarded as a pioneer in the introduction of XBRL in Japan.
Thank you very much !