AHPs Utilising Technology In Ayrshire Joanna Mowbray AHP Telehealth Lead
The Beginning Difficulty accessing limited pulmonary rehab service due to distance to travel, time of classes severity of symptoms Asked to attend a meeting re using telehealth for individuals living with lung conditions
Collaborative working Patient groups, Breath-Easy, Respiratory MCN CHPs and community services Work with telehealth team within Ayrshire and Arran Scottish Centre for Telehealth to secure funding for the development Work with technology company to develop the software.
Tele-health Module
Feedback Education Follow up
Results so far The programme has been developed and the pods bought. First 6 pts have received Pods Outcomes measures used – Patent feedback – Quality of life – exercise tolerance – confidence to self-manage – Goals achieved – Usability of equipment
What Next? Continue to Increase access to Pulmonary rehab for individuals by seeking more funding to extend service Developed Cardiac rehabilitation module currently applying for funding Develop evidence of effectiveness Continue to promote telehealth to supplement tradition forms of rehabilitation..
AHP Telehealth Group AHPs from Health and Social care Initial plan Engage AHPs in using technology to enhance service delivery. Conference for AHPs in Ayrshire with over 100 attendees
Tele-healthcare Referrals Referrals from AHPS to tele-healthcare have increase
Speech and Language Therapy Ipads and Fizzbooks are now routinely used to re inforce therapy interventions Been able to purchase more units for patients to take part in therapy at home rather than travel to clinics Routinely use video conferencing to access national and local training
Utilising Social media Staff BillyAHP Twitter aaa aaa Ayrshire Cardiac R aphTelehealthcare
Using Web Based Recourses
Learning Resilience IT Governance Procurement Working with industry Intellectual properties IT skills Poster presentations
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