New Principal Institute JULY 25, 2013 Overview of Special Education.


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Presentation transcript:

New Principal Institute JULY 25, 2013 Overview of Special Education

2 Special Education Eligibility An eligible student shall mean a person aged 3 through 21 who has not attained a high school diploma or its equivalent, who has been determined by a Team to have a disability(ies), and as a consequence is unable to progress effectively in the general education program without specially designed instruction or is unable to access the general curriculum without a related service. *Prior to referring the student for a special education evaluation, all schools should have a process in place to provide supports and interventions.

3 Categories of Disabilities Autism Developmental Delay Intellectual Impairment Sensory Impairment Neurological Impairment Emotional Impairment Communication Impairment Physical Impairment Specific Learning Disability Health Impairment

4 Special Education and Student Services Coordinator Responsibilities Scheduling, chairing team meetings, developing IEPs Maintaining regulatory timelines for compliance Maintain monthly compliance reports Coordinate and chair Manifest Determination meeting (Circular #15) Complete Transition Planning Form and 688 referrals as appropriate Monitor Quarterly Progress Reports Initiate communication with Network Liaison regarding any possible Interim Placement and complete follow-up as needed Maintain student folders’ according to Special Education Indicators and department mandates Respond to parent request for evaluations

5 Principal/Headmaster Responsibilities Ensure access to the General Education grade level curriculum Ensure Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) mandates are upheld Ensure all appropriate interventions have been implemented before a Special Education referral is initiated Support Team process by providing coverage for teachers/ assessors for Team meetings Support Coordinator in obtaining teacher reports, assessor reports and Quarterly Progress reports consistent with regulatory timelines Facilitate the development of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) in response to social emotional / behavioral concerns of a student Review/sign monthly Overdue reports Provide the coordinator with the monthly suspension log Maintain ongoing communication with Network Liaison for any Special Education support and guidance Provide the coordinator with the necessary supplies

6 Disciplining Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities may be disciplined in the same manner as non-disabled peers for up to 10 school days in the same school year, as long as the removal does not constitute a change of placement. Relevant members of the students IEP TEAM, as determined by the parent and school, shall conduct a Manifestation Determination TEAM meeting. At that review the TEAM must determine if the misconduct was a manifestation of the student’s disability. The results of the TEAM meeting should be made available to the administrator conducting the disciplinary hearing. If the misconduct was related to the student’s disability the student may not be expelled or suspended for more than 10 school days. If the TEAM determines the misconduct is not a manifestation of the child’s disability, the disciplinary process may proceed, and the student is subject to the same disciplinary proceeding as a non-disabled peers. In all cases involving a change in placement that occurs as a result of a disciplinary procedure, a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) must take place. This assessment should take place as soon as possible and the TEAM should assess the student’s behavior and develop a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) or review and modify any existing plan as necessary. Please note that if the parents do not agree to a change in placement or with the manifestation determination, they may request a hearing at the Bureau of Special Education Appeals.

7 Physical Restraint At the beginning of each school year, Principals/Headmasters are required to identify program staff to be responsible for administering proper physical restraint procedures. These individuals will participate in an in-depth training in the use of physical restraint and appropriate de- escalation methods. Also, Principals/Headmasters shall arrange a time for all staff to receive training with regard to the restraint policy within the first month of the school year and for employees hired after the school year begins, within a month of their employment.

8 Transition Planning In Massachusetts transition planning for students with disabilities begins at age 14 (or earlier if deemed appropriate by their IEP team). From the age of 14, students should be active participants in their own transition planning, to the maximum extent possible. Planning is driven by the students needs, taking into account his/her strengths, preferences and interests. If a student who is 14 or older does not attend his/her IEP meeting steps must be taken to ensure that the students preferences and interests are considered. Since parents are experts regarding their own children, working in close partnership with the families of all students will enable school professionals to more fully understand each students’ personal assets, challenges, inclinations and hopes for the future.

9 Interruption of Services When a related service provider’s absence from a school will be longer than two weeks due to an anticipated or unanticipated leave of absence, the Administrator from the Department where the leave is originating will notify Manager of Compliance. This template entitled “Interruption of Service Template” will be posted on the SEIMS tab of MyBPS. Pursuant to 603 Code of Massachusetts Regulations (2)(d)(2), the school district “shall immediately inform the parent in writing of any delayed services, reason for delay, actions that the school district is taking to address the lack of personnel and shall offer alternative methods to meet the goals on the accepted IEP.” If this situation arises in your building immediately notify your special education network liaison to support you in this process.

10 Principal Overdue Meeting Reports Each month you will be presented with the overdue meeting report for your school. The purpose of this report is to ensure that we are maintaining regulatory compliance mandates. The report will contain the names of students assigned to your school whose team meeting are overdue. The coordinator must provide a reason for that overdue meeting and it is your responsibility to confer with the coordinator to create an action plan to bring the meeting to compliance. After a review of the document you sign and return to the special education liaison for your network.

11 Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) LRE is the environment where a student with disabilities can receive the appropriate education designed to meet his or her unique individual needs, while still being educated with non-disabled students. The IEP team makes the LRE decision based on the unique needs of each individual with disabilities. One student's LRE may be different from another student's. When making a placement decision, the IEP team must consider the following: - Placement in the general education classroom first - Supplementary aids and services to ensure the implementation of the student's IEP - Placement, other than in the general classroom, if it is determined that the student's IEP needs cannot be met even with supplementary aids and services

Expanding inclusive practices to enhance student achievement

13 There is an opportunity to increase the number of students with special needs served in inclusive settings in BPS. Overview of Current Student Population in BPS* 55,278 Total Students 10,923 Students with Disabilities (SWD) 4,670 Substantially Separate (42.8% of SWD) 6,253 Inclusion (57.2% of SWD) 3,510 Full Inclusion (32.1% of SWD) 2,753 Partial Inclusion (25.1% SWD) *Source: BPS enrollment report as of 03/01/2013; excludes Horace Mann in-district charter schools 43% of the students with special needs are currently primarily educated in substantially separate classrooms

14 BPS has made a commitment to enhance inclusive opportunities for students with special needs and engaged with numerous stakeholders to draft the plan. Project Goals and Stakeholders Involved Changing the pipeline Increasing the number of students in inclusive programs Building capacity Increasing the number of schools offering fully inclusive programs for students with disabilities 12 The plan drafted to achieve the defined objectives has been a collective effort with inputs from various internal and external BPS stakeholders….. The School Committee charged the district leadership with two tasks: Dept. of Individualized Learning Facilities & Capital Planning Enrollment and Strategic planning Dept. of English Language Learners Family and Student Engagement Dept. of Early Childhood Students Itinerant staff Teachers Principals … who work in inclusive and other settings School Committee members Special education PAC Parents of students with special needs Parents of students without special needs Advocacy organizations BPS Central OfficeBPS Schools Broader BPS Community

15 The guiding vision for inclusion in BPS is based on lessons from research and learned in the district and includes eight key pillars. Vision for Successful Expansion of Inclusive Practices Maximized quality opportunities for inclusion Providing a continuum of inclusive practices Thoughtful planning and flexible staffing Specially designed curriculum/tools reinforcing general education curriculum Utilizing general education curriculum and assessments Strengthening family and community engagement Elements of successful inclusion Committed leadershipWelcoming school climate

16 Expand inclusion at the earliest grades Seven strategies shape the plan for expansion of inclusive practices in BPS. Key Processes for Expanding Inclusive Opportunities Add inclusive classrooms within inclusive schools 2 Ensure K-12 pathway by expanding inclusion schools 3 Re-evaluate IEPs of students in sub. sep. classrooms 4 Utilize vacant seats in existing schools in the inclusion network 5 Create additional inclusive schools at all levels 6 Expand partial inclusion opportunities at all levels 7 The district will have 1,600 – 2,500 more students in inclusive settings by year 5 Total students in inclusive settings over five years

17 Several areas require extensive planning by central office departments to ensure successful expansion of inclusive practices in the district. Key Areas Requiring Extensive Planning Professional development for principals, teachers and staff Accountability system to monitor faithful implementation of inclusion across schools Revision of IEP development process to ensure inclusion becomes the default Outreach and communication with parents of students with and without special needs Further planning is required for successful expansion of inclusive practices

18 Several challenges exist to expanding inclusive practices, but none are insurmountable with appropriate planning. Challenges to Expanding Inclusive Practices FOR DISCUSSION Physical ConstraintsSupportive Principals2 and 3-way Certified Staff Substantially separate classrooms are either “A” full size or “B” half sized classrooms As students with special needs move into inclusive classrooms, schools will need more A size classrooms. School leaders must embrace and value inclusive practices School leaders must set high expectations for themselves, their staff and all students Roughly 30% of all students with disabilities are also ELL students. Many inclusive classrooms will need dual certified teachers