How would you solve this problem? 9+5=?
Helping Children Master the Basic Facts | BIG IDEAS Number relationships provide the foundation for strategies that help children to remember basic facts or figure out unknown facts from those already known. For example, knowing how numbers are related to 5 and 10 helps children master facts such as 3+5 (think of a ten frame) and 8+6 (since 8 is 2 away from 10, take 2 from 6 to make 10+4=14 Finding the total number of objects arranged in equal sized groups helps children to build a foundation for multiplication. This situation can be represented using repeated addition.
Helping Children Master the Basic Facts | BIG IDEAS Mastery of the basic facts is a developmental process. Children move through stages starting with counting, then moving to more efficient reasoning strategies and eventually to quick recall. Instruction must help children move through these phases without rushing them to memorization. Children who are not developing fluency with the basic facts may need to revisit foundational ideas, such as number relationships. Simply continuing to drill will not address the cause of their difficulty and can negatively affect their confidence and attitude toward success in mathematics. -*John A. Van De Walle
Developmental Process for Basic Fact Mastery
Reasoning Strategies The purpose of developing reasoning strategies is to help children move from counting to more efficient ways of recalling facts quickly and accurately. Ways to Support Strategy Development: Story Problems Explicitly Teaching Reasoning Strategies *John Van De Walle
Reasoning Strategies For Addition Facts One More Than, Two More Than Adding Zero Using 5 as an anchor Make 10 Up Over 10 (Break apart) Doubles Near Doubles
Reasoning Strategies For Subtraction Facts Subtraction as Think-Addition Down Over 10 Take From 10
Let’s go back…. How would you solve this problem? 9+5=? How about this one? 14-9=?
Games to Support Basic Fact Development
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