Introduction You’ve been assigned a research paper, and you’ve chosen a subject that’s interesting to you. How do you figure out what part of your subject to research? There are so many possibilities! You need to focus. Narrow your subject to a specific topic that is suitable for research.
Introduction One way to break a broad subject into separate topics is to use a mind map. popularity gaming systems cultural influence VIDEO GAMES production design technology
Selecting and evaluating a topic The Internet can be a valuable tool when you’re looking for the most up-to-date information on your topic. However, it’s very important to make sure the information you find online is current. How do we know this information is current?
Selecting and evaluating a topic After you settle on a narrow topic you must evaluate your topic to make sure that it is suitable for research. Ask these questions: Q: Is the topic objective rather than subjective? Q: Is the topic narrow enough to be researched effectively? Topic: video games’ effect on society A: This topic is both narrow and objective.
Research Tip Subjective topics Subjective topics are usually based on your personal point of view rather than on established facts. “Video games are fun” is an opinion. “Video games improve intelligence” is objective because it can be demonstrated regardless of someone’s feelings.
Selecting and evaluating a topic Q: Are enough different sources on the topic readily available? A: I’ve located several books, articles, and Web sources that have information on video games, so I know I’ve picked a good topic. Choosing a topic that is very recent or technical may make it difficult to find appropriate sources.
Developing research questions Working with specific research questions will make it easier to find useful information when you research. Following are some general questions you can use as a guide to formulate specific questions for your topic. General question Specific research question What is the general question, and how can you define it? How have video games influenced American culture? What are the topic’s parts, and how do they work together? How has violence in video games influenced American culture?
Developing research questions General question vs Specific research question How has the rapid growth of video game technology affected American culture? How has the topic changed over time?
Developing research questions General question vs. Specific research question How is the topic similar to or different from related topics? How does the influence of video games on American culture compare to the effects of other recent technologies?
Developing research questions General question vs. Specific research question What are the topic’s advantages and disadvantages? What are the positive and negative influences of video games on American culture? vs.
Conclusion Finding your focus is the key to success. Once you’ve narrowed down your topic and research questions, the fun can begin!
Your Homework (for Monday) On a piece of paper, follow these steps: Select a broad subject that interests you. Create a concept map to narrow the subject into topics. Select a topic from the map and use the questions from this lesson to evaluate it. Is it narrow? Is it objective? Are sources readily available? Write three specific research questions that describe exactly what you want to learn.
Possible Responses 2. Concept map: 1. A subject that interests me is India. 2. Concept map: religions British colonization customs INDIA climate food people
Possible Responses Topic: The impact of British colonization can still be seen in Indian culture today. This topic is narrow. It’s objective because it’s not my opinion or personal experience. I’ve found books and Internet sources on this topic. What was British colonization and what did it look like in India? What were the advantages and disadvantages of colonization for Indian culture? How do we see the British influence today?