MARCH 2, 2009 Multimedia Storytelling
Housekeeping Media in the news: Rocky Mountain News shuts down; Pentagon changes policy on coffins returning to the U.S. from war zones. Questions regarding final assignment? Response papers returned Two or more outside sources: two is a minimum requirement Clear, focused writing that supports your argument Don’t match Siegel’s rant with your own rant—that’s why outside sourcing that supports your opinion is so important.
Revised syllabus Monday, March 2. Lecture: The components of multimedia journalism and video storytelling. Hands-on time with video camera Wednesday, March 4: Discuss “Tuned Out” and 1,000 word blog assignment due March 11. More hands on time with video camera and video storytelling tips Blog assignment: open blogging—begin blogging about tuning out. Use the blog to think about your paper due on March 11. Use it as a way to outline your thoughts and focus for the 1000 word piece
Revised syllabus Monday, March 9. Guest Lecture: Christy Hammond on Twitter. Professor Warner— Lecture: Only Online—what happens when news goes digital. Wednesday, March 11: Tentative Guest lecture: Charlie LeDuff of the Detroit News Required reading: chapter six in “Advancing the Story.” ***Response 1,000-word Blog to “Tuned Out” due in hard copy and posted to your blog**** Also March 11: Professor Warner’s Marsh Lecture: The Blogosphere: the Future of Journalism?” See handout. Extra credit will be given for attending lecture and writing a response.
What is Multimedia? tricks/index.html tricks/index.html