Southmoreland Middle School Student Expectations
WELCOME TO SMS The SMS complex is designed to provide a safe, comfortable and enjoyable learning experience to students in grades 6, 7 and 8 This facility was designed to meet the needs of learners in a variety of ways and at each student’s level
SMS Mission Southmoreland Middle School is committed to enhancing achievement through directed learning and student engagement.
PSSA testing—measuring our gains Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 are required to take the Pennsylvania State Standards Assessment (PSSA) in Math and Reading Students in Grade 8 also test in Science and Writing
4SIGHT benchmark testing 4sight tests help teacher and students to make good decisions about what students know and what they are able to do The tests are essential to ensuring that students receive the best preparation we can give for success in the classroom and on the PSSA Currently, all grade levels are administering the first benchmark test
Policies No gum/candy in school Vandalism will be met with serious consequences, which may include restitution for damages Lockers may not be decorated on the outside
Student Agendas Teachers sign your agenda for you to travel No agenda—no travel Students will sign out and sign in on sheets in each classroom Replacement cost for agenda: $5
Student Attire Students at SMS will adhere to the Dress Code in the Student Agenda Appropriate attire for school must be worn each day to all classes Students who do not meet dress code will receive consequences and will be required to change as well Parents will be contacted Teachers will determine appropriateness of attire DRESS for SCHOOL, not for FUN—if you aren’t sure, don’t wear it
GEMS Stands for Group Effort for Maximum Success Criteria: All A’s and B’s and no more than one C per grading period Three or few absences FOR ANY REASON No office referrals or disciplinary consequences
Lunch $2.00 Lunch (forty cents for reduced) $1.00 Breakfast (thirty cents for reduced) Portion sizes will reflect Secondary School student needs Students without lunch money will incur a charge for any provisionary food items provided. Previously, items were supplied to students without lunch money at no charge. Students will incur a charge to their lunch account of $.75 for a cheese sandwich and $.50 for milk.
Academic Interventions Guided Study Homework is due to teachers each week by 8:15 on Fridays. If work is not collected, students report to workrooms on Fridays during their lunch period Work completed will be collected and delivered to teachers Students who are on GS three times in a nine week period will attend Saturday Session (9-11, Saturday mornings at SMS)
Saturday Session 9-11, Saturday mornings at SMS Students must be on time and must bring school materials to Saturday Session Pencil or pen, books, AR books, homework and missing assignments Work completed will be collected and delivered to teachers Failure to attend Saturday Session will result in one day out of school suspension
Intervention/Enrichment Periods Tuesdays and Thursdays each week If on the IE list, students are to report to the teacher’s class that will be missed before reporting to tutoring teacher If on the list for more than one teacher, students will report to the first teacher listed on the IE list Homeroom teachers will tell students on Tuesday and Thursday mornings if they are to report to a teacher for IE
Wednesday Test Make-ups During AM activity periods Mrs. Kaylor’s room (7 th ) Mr. Leighty’s room (8 th ) Mr. Pritts Mrs. Scott’s room (as needed)
AR—The Accelerated Reader Program Students must carry AR books with them each day Students will be tested on their AR reading selections online in Language Arts classes or in the library Failure to bring AR books to class will result in loss of privileges and/or ASHR
Sports and Dance Eligibility Participation in school sponsored athletic and social functions are privileges and not rights Each week, teachers may sign against students who are failing or misbehaving Students will not participate in sporting activities or dances if two or more teachers sign against a student OR if Mr. Clara signs against a student
SMS Disciplinary Consequences Warning 1 hour after school detention 2 hour after school detention Saturday Detention Out of School Suspension Alternative School Placement *Depending on the infraction, students may receive a consequence at a higher step.
Saturday Detention Assigned by principal 9-12 on Saturdays Teacher supervised Students must be on time and must bring school materials to detention Pencil or pen, books, AR books, homework and missing assignments Work completed will be collected and delivered to teachers Failure to attend Saturday Detention will result in a three day out of school suspension
LOCK IN (Grades 7 and 8) During the 3 rd nine weeks: No discipline referrals No “E”s in any classes Good behavior in all classes (teachers will have the opportunity to sign against you for poor behavior) 25 AR points earned in the 3 rd nine weeks for grade 8 20 AR points earned in the 3 rd nine weeks for grade 7
LOCK IN (Grades 7 and 8) Attendance Requirement: Throughout the first three nine weeks, no more than 6 ½ days absent from the first day of school (August 30, 2010) through the last day of the 3 rd nine weeks. This is considered “exemplary” attendance by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Make sure you are coming to school so that you are eligible!
Attendance In , SMS has set a goal of 95% attendance for all grades The homerooms with the highest percentage of attendance each month earns a breakfast during activity period 94.48% Attendance for year Goal for —95% attendance
Tardiness to Class Students will be referred to principal for three or more tardies to class Repeated tardies to school will result in Saturday Detention BE ON TIME It is the student’s responsibility to bring ALL MATERIALS to class each day
Lockers Students are expected to maintain an orderly locker Locks will be used on lockers The locker is school property—damage done to it will not be tolerated This includes the jamming of materials into locker that prevents the locker from closing properly LOCK replacement cost: $6.00