Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model - v5.0 ( Computer Science ) Diana Machado - Raul Garcia School of Computing and Information Sciences Florida International University 1 FPHLM v5.0. April 15 th, 2013
A Version Control System is now consistently used by all components to track all modifications to the code, model input data, and documentation. Project meetings to review SVN functionality, discuss repository structure, and set up SVN client. Individual meetings to reinforce SVN knowledge. 2 Standard C-6. Model Maintenance and Revision
A directory for each model component. A common subdirectory for each team to share data with other teams. * An interactive demonstration of the SVN structure and contents will follow this presentation. 3 Repository Structure
A copy of model source code and input data was checked out from SVN into newly created directory tree. Form A-4 (Output Ranges) was rerun and the results were checked against those submitted in November 2012 to show agreement. * Working directories and results will be shown following this presentation. 4 Rerun of Output Ranges