JLab hypernuclear collaboration meeting / JSPS Core to Core Seminar TOSCA models for ENGE and other spectrometers 9May2012 – 11May2012 Department of Physics,


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Presentation transcript:

JLab hypernuclear collaboration meeting / JSPS Core to Core Seminar TOSCA models for ENGE and other spectrometers 9May2012 – 11May2012 Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. Toshiyuki Gogami HES/HKS collaboration meeting, T.Gogami9-11/May/20121

Contents Status To do

E Missing Mass Spectra p(e,e’K + )Λ/Σ 0 7 Li(e,e’K + ) 7 Λ He 12 C(e,e’K + ) 12 Λ B 28 Si(e,e’K + ) 28 Λ Al

Sieve slit pattern (F2S) (E01-011) HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami4

Motivation There is no reliable magnetic field map of old SPL and ENGE. (start point of the matrices tuning is so bad)  Want them !

Strategy OPERA (TOSCA) Calculate the magnetic field by the OPERA 3D-CAD Precise geometric information GEANT3 or GEANT4 Calculate the transfer matrices Monte Carlo simulation ENGINE Real data input

Strategy OPERA (TOSCA) Calculate the magnetic field by the OPERA 3D-CAD Precise geometric information GEANT3 or GEANT4 Calculate the transfer matrices Monte Carlo simulation ENGINE Real data input 2012Mar Chiga and I imported final positions into 3D-CAD, but not completed… Need more information to confirm. input Geometrical input is done.  Test (meshing, calc. time)  Ask full calc. Geometrical input A few weeks TOSCA JLab

GEANT4 simulation (ENGE01) Geometrical input  Nagao ENGE (Enge) Directory structure – ENGE01 ENGE01.cc, GNUMakefile includes – Headers (*.hh) src – Source files (*.cc) run – input » Input file (*.in) – macro » Macro file (*.mac) – map » Field map (*.map) – Images analysis – root » Output ROOT files (*.root) Version control by svn – repository HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami8 TOSCA model

Visualization HKS-HES Collaboration Meeting, T.Gogami9 photon e- ENGE EHODO EDC Generation Particle : electron Distribution : Spherical uniform Momentum : 0.3±01 GeV/c Theta : 0 – 70 mrad Phi : 4π SPL e-

Summary TOSCA – Geometrical input is almost done. (need a few information to confirm) – Test calculation of the magnetic field. – Full calculation (ask Jay) GEANT4 – The frame is constructed. – Input precise geometrical information. In a few weeks