Current Pandemic Situation New Zealand Mark Jacobs Mark Jacobs Director of Public Health Director of Public Health Ministry of Health Ministry of Health New Zealand
OVERALL OVERALL General increase in recent weeks So far tracking seasonal flu year Pandemic strain remains dominant Managed through business as usual processes, no reestablishment of NHCC Annual seasonal vaccination program continues, higher than usual uptake Confirmed cases- 35 Hospitalised- 19 ICU- 2 Deaths- 1
ILI in Primary Care
ILI calls to Healthline
School Absenteeism
Assessing Severity No new/special systems, will use existing mechanisms. Changes in- ILI presentations in primary care Burden on hospitals Absenteeism Proportion of cases needing intensive care Average length of stay in ICU Clinical picture Mortality rates Causes of death Risk factors/demographics Virus (eg antiviral resistance)
Seroprevalence Study Large representative national sample, after first wave (Nov 09- Mar 10) Examined population seroprevalence, plus health care workers Overall community seroprevalence 26.7% (29.5% when standardised to NZ population) Significant age group differences- highest in 5-19 years (46.7%) Significant ethnic group differences- Pacific (49.5%) and Maori (36.9%) higher than others 45.2% of seropositive individuals had no history of ILI no significant difference in seroprevalence between primary or secondary health care workers and general community Allows estimate of total symptomatic cases in first wave, and so better estimates of case fatality rate (8.2 per 100,000) and hospitalisation rate (262 per 100,000)