AUTODROM Designed: Malinovski Vladimir, 8 grade Coordinator: Olizarenko Y.V.
The goal To give a brief classification of modern types of cars. To give a brief classification of modern types of cars. To describe the cars inside and outside To describe the cars inside and outside
Plan 1. A ctuality of the work. 2. T ypes of vehicle. 3. V ehicle inside. 4. V ehicle outside. 5. D ecoration of the vehicle. 6. C onclusions. 7. L iterature.
Types of vehicle. Vehicles are non-living means of transportation. They are most often man-made (e.g. bicvcles, cars, motorcvcles, trains, ships, and aircrait), although some other means of transportation which are not made by man can also be called vehicles; examples include cebergs and floating tree trunks. Vehicles that do not travel on land are often called crafts, such as watercraft, sailcraft, aircraft, hovercraft and spacecraft.Most land vehicles have wheels.The word vehicle itself comes from the Latin vehiculum Types of vehicles 1. Vans 2. Jeep 3. Hatchback 4. Estate 5. Sports car 6. Truck 7. Sedan 8. Convertible 9. Pickup
Types of vehicle 1. V an - a vehicle used for carrying goods. It is usually larger than a car and smaller than a truck, and the back part is enclosed, with no windows at the side. 2. J eep car with no roof that can drive over all types of land, often used as a military vehicle.
3.Hatchback a type of car that has an extra door on the back that opens from bottom instead of the side. 4. Estate a long car with an extra door at the back and a lot of space behind the back seats. 5. Sports car a small fast car, often with a roof that you can take off. 6. Truck a large road vehicle used for carrying goods.
7. Sedan a closed car with a front and back seat for passengers and a boot for carrying things such as suitcases. 8. Convertible a car with a roof that can be folded back or removed completely. 9. Pickup a truck with an open back and low sides.
Vehicle inside.
Vehicle outside.
Decoration of the vehicle.
Conclusions As the majority of the boys I like cars and it is interesting for me to give a brief classification of modern types of cars, to describe the cars inside and outside. I consider that my research will be useful and interesting for everyone who is fond of cars and is going to improve one’s knowledge in Technical English.
Literature 1. « Клаксон » – « Авто панорама » « Авто ревю » Macmillan English Dictionary