Personal Narrative Essay
Why? Essay Details Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 1 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 2 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 3
Personal Narrative: Why? We have analyzed personal stories and themes in class (Job, Epic of Gilgamesh) You have an opportunity to apply your learning in a personal format with a personal essay assignment
Personal Narrative Essay Why? Essay Details Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 1 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 2 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 3
Essay Details Write a word personal essay ( H) Organize your writing into paragraphs Divide your paragraphs into intro, body, conclusion
Essay Details Write the First Person (I, me) Focus on one story Must be non-fiction (true) Write using complete sentences, proper grammar, punctuation Type and print final draft
Personal Narrative Essay Why? Essay Details Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 1 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 2 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 3
Step 1: List Beliefs/ Statements of Truth/ Proverbs Brainstorm statements of truth. Search online. Ask your guardians and neighbors. Grit Respect Search for Truth Faith “ When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” My name is ___. I am uniquely gifted and I will work tirelessly to maximize my potential every day.
Personal Narrative Essay Why? Essay Details Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 1 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 2 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 3
Step 2: Narrow the List Circle your favorite belief or statement from list Grit Respect Search for Truth Faith “ When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” My name is ___. I am uniquely gifted and I will work tirelessly to maximize my potential every day.
Step 2: Narrow the List Name a life experience that reinforces this idea. Grit When I visited Butler University for the first time, our car was broken into.
Personal Narrative Essay Why? Essay Details Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 1 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 2 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 3
Step 3: Choose a Life Event Brainstorm details about that event to help your essay be specific, persuasive, and interesting.
Step 3: Choose a Life Event Who was there? My family and I, along with several administrators and Butler Police What sounds did you hear? Sounds of spring: birds, people outside, wind in the trees, duct tape being ripped off the roll What did you smell? Flowers, grass
Step 3: Choose a Life Event What happened around you—what was the setting? My family was upset, the administrators and police were very apologetic What happened? List the events in order. We took our visit, went back to our car to find the window smashed in, worked with BUPD to get it repaired, and drove home.
Personal Narrative Essay Why? Essay Details Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 1 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 2 Brainstorming Proverbs & Example Stories: Step 3