Monday, October 29 th Entry Task Write down 3 things that you feel you have learned really well about sound waves. Write down 3 things that you feel you could use a little more time studying about sound waves. Schedule: Review Chapter 16 Homework: Finish chapter 16 review –Page –#1-4, Objective: I can understand important information about sound waves
Tuesday, October 30 th Entry Task Take the next 5 minutes to do some last minute studying for your test. When done, Please clear off your desk. 1.Start the period off with taking the Chapter 16 test. 2.Turn in the test 3.Get a chapter 17 introduction 4.Complete Chapter 17 introduction 5.Read 17.1 and take minimum of 1 page of notes your way in your notebook. Schedule: Chapter 16 test Objective: I can be assessed on important information about sound waves Homework Chapter 17 introduction Read 17.1 and take 1 page of notes Please have on desk: Chapter 16 review
Wednesday, October 31 st Entry Task Decide if the following statements are true. If they are write them down as is, if they are not, change it and write down a correct statement. 1.Mechanical waves transfer energy through a vacuum. 2.A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy 3.Most EM (electromagnetic) waves are invisible but detectable Schedule: 17.1 Notes Homework: 17.1 RSG Objective: I can understand that Electromagnetic waves have unique traits Please have on your desk: Chapter 17 introduction 17.1 own notes
Electromagnetic Wave Disturbance that transfers energy through a field. –EM wave –Field- area around an object where the object can apply a force to another object
How EM waves form Read that section on page 554 Summarize in your own words how EM waves form –Include words such as: Electric field Magnetic field Vibrations Particles
Sources of EM waves List some sources of EM waves after reading page 554
Radiation Energy that moves in the form of EM waves Radiation, unlike a mechanical wave, can travel without a medium Mechanical waves eventually stop travel due to giving up energy to the medium Radiation can travel essentially forever since it can travel in empty space
How EM waves travel in a Vacuum Read that section from page 555 Briefly explain why EM waves can travel in a vaccuum.
Speed of EM waves in a Vacuum Read that section from page 555 Answer the following questions –What do we call the time it takes for the Sun’s rays to hit Earth? –How are EM waves used to measure distances in space?
1.What are the two types of fields that make up an EM wave? 2.What are two sources of EM waves on Earth? 3.In the figure on page 554: how is wavelength of the wave measured? 4.How would a diagram of a wave with lower frequency differ from the wave in the picture on page How do EM and mechanical waves differ in the way they form? 6.How are EM waves used to measure distances in space? 7.In what form do EM waves transfer energy in a vacuum? 8.What happens when EM waves encounter a material medium? 9.How does microwave cooking depend on reflection? 10.What is the function of the fan in the microwave? 11.Why doesn’t the inside of the microwave oven get hot?
Thursday, November 1 st Entry Task Match the definition to the correct term: Definitions: 1.The transfer of energy by EM waves 2.A disturbance that transfers energy through a field Terms: a.Electromagnetic wave b.Radiation c.Medium d.vacuum Schedule: EM Waves notes Homework Read/RSG 17.2 Cell Phone Article Objective: I can understand important information about the different electromagnetic waves Please have on desk: 17.1 RSG
EM Waves What is different between electromagnetic waves (gamma rays, radio waves, x-ray, etc) –Wavelength –Frequency
Frequency Higher frequency –More EM vibrations per second –Shorter wavelength –More energy Lower frequency –Less EM vibrations per second –Longer wavelength –Less energy
EM Spectrum Range of all EM frequencies Left of spectrum are waves with longest wavelength lower frequency Right are waves with shortest wavelength higher frequency
Measuring EM Waves EM frequency is measured in hertz….Just like sound!
Friday, November 2 nd Entry Task Sing the EM spectrum song in your head. 1.List the parts of it from shortest wavelength to longest wavelength. 2.Put a circle around the part that has the highest frequency 3.Put a square around the part that has the longest wavelength 4.Put a triangle around the part that takes up the least amount of the spectrum (has the smallest range of frequencies) Schedule: EM Spectrum Book Objective I can understand the different electromagnetic waves and their properties Homework: Finish EM spectrum Book Please Have on Desk: 17.2 RSG Cell Phone Article