Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE) Diane R. Williams, Ph.D. Department of Math & Statistics Fran Hopf, Ph.D. National Center for Academic Transformation Redesign Alliance Redesign Colloquium University of South Florida Tampa, Florida December 9, 2011 Launching Course Redesign University of South Florida
Course Redesign at USF Office of Student Success Selection Criteria: Large enrollment High DFW rates Interest of department team Courses Selected in March 2011: COM 2000: Introduction to Communication DFW %, 230 – 300 students BSC 2011L: Diversity Lab with New Skills Supplement DFW 16 – 20 %, 640 – 840 students Cost: Stipend per faculty member, $6000 Course Release, up to $6000 Instructional and technical support, $63,000
COM2000 Specific Issues and Redesign Effort ISSUES Hybrid course with 50 minute face-to-face meetings 10 sections with 25 students/section; capacity was 250 students Limited time for active learning and teamwork Students unprepared and not reading REDESIGN Supplemental model Hybrid course with 75 min. face-to-face meetings 8 sections of 40 students; capacity will be 320 students LearnSmart Modules to enhance metacognitive critical thinking skills Teamwork and in-class team discussions
BSC2011L Specific Issues and Redesign Effort ISSUES 3 hour face-to-face lab meetings Students unprepared and not reading lab materials Critical thinking skills lacking Science writing skills lacking Essential computer skills lacking (e.g., Ms Excel) REDESIGN Replacement model 2 hour face-to-face lab meetings and 1 hour pre-lab modules Create post-lab online quizzes Supplemental modules to address the 2 last points (Summer 2012 )
Elements of Redesign 1 Lecture / 2 Required Labs Multiple attempts HW/Qz Immediate feedback 70% mastery level for HW 2 attempts high-stake tests Personalized study plans Multiple resources 1-1 tutoring in lab Weighted weekly avg. posted Cost for Coll. Alg. Classes Cost of Pilot with other classes is high Expanding redesign to all classes would be cost effective Time Line Attended NCAT S-10 Proposal Approved F-10 Implemented 1 Class S-11 Implemented 2 Classes F-11 College Algebra Redesign
Learning Outcomes Departmental Final Exam Comparisons Spring 2011 Fall 2011 PassingRate REDESIGN (n=164) 69% OTHERS (n=448) 56% PassingRate REDESIGN (n=300) 68% OTHERS (n=717) 57% Student Comments Course Passing Rate Fall % (Includes D / F /W)
Outcomes & Challenges Potential Learning Outcomes O Increase in achievement O Increase in majors O Decrease in withdrawal rates O Improve math attitude O Assist student in becoming a self- learner Challenges O Budget money for larger computer lab O Include activities that focus on personal attention O Include activities that will improve critical thinking skills O Have a system that will track student success in the next math course