Jakaylan James November 22, 2013 American lit. 2A.


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Presentation transcript:

Jakaylan James November 22, 2013 American lit. 2A

 Before the abolitionist or anti-slavery movement slaves were being shipped across the ocean to various countries in exchange for raw materials and manufactured goods.  The slaves would work for the west indies who had the highest bid in the auctions the held. .

 In the early 1830’s the national negro convention was founded. Its goal was to protect the rights of freed African Americans in the U.S  In 1834 the female Boston anti-slavery society was formed.  In the 1850’s the underground Railroad was established.  This operation was ran by many African Americans such as Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglas.  This operation actually began during the colonial period, however once it reached its height it began to leading into the civil war.  An act such as Fugitive slave act of 1850’ increased the under ground rail roads popularity and activity.  This under ground railroad operation had one important goal and that was to accomplish the safe arrival of run away slaves to Canada.

 During this period of times African Americans had no social,political,or religious rights at all.  Only white males had a right to vote  Most of the women involved in the abolitionists act began to demand equal rights in their own lives and experience.

 The significance about this movement was that it ended slavery.  However, it did not end racism nor did it establish social, or political rights.

 Most northerners realized that slavery was very popular in the south, they also knew that the declaration of independence didn’t support that either they believed that “All men were create equal”.  African Americans who were active in the anti- slavery was rarely being heard outside the black community.  They was still vey positive and still influential.

 The underground railroad was created  Emancipation Proclamation  “uncle Tom’s Cabin” was created by Harriet Beecher.  Congress divided territories so that north included all free states.  “ American Anti-Slavery Society” was created by Garrison.

 The breaking of the “American Anti-Slavery Society.  The movement of African Americans Africa.

 Thoreau’s believe was that an individual should look inward for how they should live their lives and to optimistic to themselves.  Thoreau also believed that an individual should decide their future.  Abolitionist believed that slavery was “un- American” and they also believed that “All men were create equal.”  They both believed in morals and that each individual deserved the best in live.

 obedience/study.html obedience/study.html  ContentFiles/WorldHistory/AbolitionistMoveme nt.html ContentFiles/WorldHistory/AbolitionistMoveme nt.html  movement