Consequences Rural to Urban (by 1900, 1/3 of people in industrial nations lived in cities Growth of the middle class Women working outside the home for wages increases Huge variety of goods produced more cheaply – affordable to more people
Reform Movements Labor Unions – by 1900 – regulate factories for safer conditions, shorter hours, and better pay City Services – by 1900, life in cities improve: Sewage systems, police forces, building codes, hospitals Education-Free education for children in all industrialized nations
Women’s Rights Feminism: the movement for women’s rights Women fight and win rights to property, education, and enter professions and occupations dominated by men – ie; medicine, law, politics Suffrage (vote) key to gaining equal rights. Suffragettes protest to gain attention – police answer with arrests and brutal treatment (Iron Jawed Women)
Socialism Reformers blame capitalism for destroying lives Advocate Socialism: and economic system in which society (government) owns and controls the means of production (factories, utilities) Public ownership of the means of production allow wealth to be distributed more equally to all. Progress results when producers cooperate for the good of all (instead of competition) Goods should be distributed according to production effort and need
Growth of Democracy Franchise/suffrage = the right to vote – Extended to most men and later to women (1918 in Britain & 1920 in U.S.)
Communism Karl Marx writes “The Communist Manifesto”: workers (Proletariat) would unite and violently overthrow the capitalists (bourgeoisie). A dictatorship of the proletariat would abolish capitalism and create a socialist economy – when the economy stabilized, a classless society would emerge.
Growth of Democracy Franchise/suffrage = the right to vote – Extended to most men and later to women (1918 in Britain & 1920 in U.S.)
Education Industrial jobs require higher education Voting requires an educated citizenry Compulsory education = demand for teachers (women) Literacy expands – mass media develops – newspapers for reading public
IMPERIALISM Increased need for even more NATURAL RESOURSES & RAW MATERIALS for Industry lead strong industrial nations to exploit weak nations for their resources and location