The World of Cities: Changing Attitude & Values
The Fight Against Disease Germ Theory- Certain microbes cause specific infectious diseases Germ Theory- Certain microbes cause specific infectious diseases –Louis Pasteur- developed vaccines & pasteurization: kills disease-carrying microbes in milk Hospitals could be dangerous: unsanitary & dirty Hospitals could be dangerous: unsanitary & dirty
The Life of the Cities Urban Renewal- rebuilding of the poor areas of a city Urban Renewal- rebuilding of the poor areas of a city Paved streets & sewage systems made cities more livable Paved streets & sewage systems made cities more livable –Sewage systems= clean water, very helpful to poor Skyscrapers were built Skyscrapers were built
Working-Class Struggles Lived in slums; whole families crowded into single room Lived in slums; whole families crowded into single room Mutual Aid Societies- Self-help groups to aid sick or injured workers Mutual Aid Societies- Self-help groups to aid sick or injured workers Workers protested their conditions, eventually governments pass laws to regulate working conditions Workers protested their conditions, eventually governments pass laws to regulate working conditions Standard of living- measures the quality & availability of necessities & comforts in society Standard of living- measures the quality & availability of necessities & comforts in society –Rose for workers, despite everything
Emerging Middle Class Middle class grew & pushed its way up the social ladder Middle class grew & pushed its way up the social ladder Had their own views & way of life: Had their own views & way of life: –Children were to be seen and not heard –Successful husband: made enough money to keep his wife at home –Successful wife: raised children, directed servants, tending to the house –Only applied to middle class, lower class women had to work in factories –Led to a movement for women’s rights…
Rights for Women Women realized the severe restrictions on their lives Women realized the severe restrictions on their lives Some women broke the barriers that kept them out of universities and professions Some women broke the barriers that kept them out of universities and professions Women demanded the right to vote Women demanded the right to vote In some countries, women won the right to control their own property In some countries, women won the right to control their own property
Growth of Public Education Reformers persuaded governments to set up public schools and require education for all children Reformers persuaded governments to set up public schools and require education for all children More & more children went to school More & more children went to school Quality of education improved Quality of education improved Secondary (high school) schools grew Secondary (high school) schools grew College & Universities expanded College & Universities expanded
Charles Darwin Wrote On the Origin of Species- argued that all forms of life had evolved into their present state over millions of years (Evolution) Wrote On the Origin of Species- argued that all forms of life had evolved into their present state over millions of years (Evolution) –Challenged traditional beliefs: Christians believed the bible held true account of creation Natural Selection- “Survival of the Fittest”- members of each species competed to survive; natural forces selected those w/ physical traits best adapted to their environment Natural Selection- “Survival of the Fittest”- members of each species competed to survive; natural forces selected those w/ physical traits best adapted to their environment
Social Darwinism Social Darwinism applies the idea of survival of the fittest to war & economic condition Social Darwinism applies the idea of survival of the fittest to war & economic condition –Ex. Industrial tycoons more fit than those they put out of business Encouraged racism Encouraged racism –Many Europeans & Americans claimed that success of western civilization was due to supremacy of the white race
Vocabulary Define the following vocabulary terms in your own words: Draw a picture for each word. (Use Pgs ) Define the following vocabulary terms in your own words: Draw a picture for each word. (Use Pgs ) –Cult of domesticity –Temperance movement –Women’s suffrage –Racism –Social Gospel –Romanticism –Realism –Impressionism You will get a stamp for this. If you do not finish in class, it is homework & will be checked at the beginning of the period tomorrow. You will get a stamp for this. If you do not finish in class, it is homework & will be checked at the beginning of the period tomorrow.