#9 #118 #11 #13 #14 SOC Camera Images & Tree Samples SOC camera 09/05 11:01 am, composited by R-G-B Tag #Family 9 Vochysiaceae 11 Leguminosae- Caesalpinioideae 13 Sapotaceae 14 Lecythidaceae 118 Leguminosae- Caesalpinioideae
TR9TR11TR13 TR14 TR118 Legend Shade Region: 95% confidence interval The reflectance signal in this panel was derived from SOC 09/05 11:01 am The ASD spectral in this panel: (1) was collected within one week comparable with SOC image (09/05); (2) represented the primary leaf age spectral signal Spectral Comparisons between ASD & SOC camera Leaf level spectral Sunlit leaves The central line is the mean value of 3*3 pixels Sun branch
TR9TR11TR13 TR14 TR118 Legend Shade Region: 95% confidence interval The reflectance signal in these two panels were derived from SOC 09/05 11:01 am Spectral Comparisons of SOC camera images between leaf level and canopy level Leaf level spectral Sunlit leaves The central line is the mean value of 3*3 pixels Canopy level spectral Both Sunlit leaves and shade leaves The central line is the mean value of ~20*20 pixels Increase the uncertainty of the spectral
Seasonal Change in NDVI (leaf level) (1): the selection of the camera images—i) first camera angle, within the time window 10:00 am -12:00pm; ii) starting from 07/23/2012 until 10/07/2012, with 5-day interval (2)The NDVI calculation—i) average signal for the sunlit leaves of each focal tree (3*3 pixels); ii) NDVI=(NIR- red)/(NIR+red), where NIR used the MODIS band 2 ( nm), while red used the MODIS band 1 ( nm) Average NDVI of images each day NDVI of each image Outlier of NDVI
Seasonal Change in NDVI (sub-canopy level) (1): the selection of the camera images—i) first camera angle, within the time window 10:00 am -12:00pm; ii) starting from 07/23/2012 until 10/07/2012, with 5-day interval (2)The NDVI calculation—i) average signal for the sunlit leaves of each focal tree (20*20 pixels); ii) NDVI=(NIR- red)/(NIR+red), where NIR used the MODIS band 2 ( nm), while red used the MODIS band 1 ( nm) Average NDVI of images each day NDVI of each image Outlier of NDVI
Seasonal Change in NDVI (leaf level) & leaf traits (1-m branch accumulated dry leaf mass) NDVI Average NDVI of each image Outlier of NDVI Timing of ground 1-m sun branch sample The accumulated 1-m branch dry leaf mass
111:12: :101:206 Seasonal Change in NDVI (leaf level) & leaf demography traits (1-m branch accumulated dry leaf mass) NDVI Average NDVI of each image Outlier of NDVI Timing of ground 1-m sun branch sample Leaf demography (the leaf number of each age class) 144:11:239 Y:M:O 116:223:53 387:632:309 Y:M:O 304:832:45 99:72 M:O 82 M 0:0:166 Y:M:O :236:97 28:16:177
6 Focal Trees & ASD Spectral Reflectance of leaf ages Y1 Y2Y3/YMO
6 Focal Trees NDVI & Leaf Demography Y1Y2Y3MO Y1Y2Y3MO Y1Y2Y3MO M O YMO M Where red: modis band 1 (620nm-670nm); NIR: modis band 2 (841nm-876 nm); blue: modis band 3 (459 nm – 479 nm)
6 Focal Trees EVI & Leaf Demography Y1Y2Y3MO Y1Y2Y3MO Y1Y2Y3MO M O YMO M Where red: modis band 1 (620nm-670nm); NIR: modis band 2 (841nm-876 nm); blue: modis band 3 (459 nm – 479 nm)
Part 2: RS Based Trait Estimation Approach 1: Vegetation Index Figure 3 from Hilker et al Remote Sensing of Environment Two forest types in Canada PRI (Photosynthetic Reflectance Index) Light use efficiency generated by eddy covariance measurement Xanthophyll induced absorption feature at 531 nm, which is intimately linked to the biochemical mechanism down-regulating photosynthesis
6 Focal Trees PRI & Leaf Demography Y1Y2Y3MO Y1Y2Y3MO Y1Y2Y3MO M O YMO M PRI (Photosynthetic Reflectance Index)
Ecosystem Average Vegetation Index (6 Focal Trees) & Leaf Demography Y1Y2Y3MOY1Y2Y3MO Y1Y2Y3MO
Angle 1 (~75 o ) Angle 2 (~60 o ) Angle 3 (~45 o ) Angle 4 (~30 o ) Angle 5 (~15 o ) Angle 4 (~30 o ) Angle 3 (~45 o ) Angle 2 (~60 o ) O Angle 1 Angle 2 O Angle 2 Angle 3 O Angle 3 Angle 4 O Angle 4 Angle 5 NDVI & Camera Angle Effect Take Home message: (1)Camera angle doesn’t affect NDVI value if the camera sensed the same object? (2)Camera angle does affect NDVI if the camera sensed the different object, due to shade effect? (3)10 am for MODIS pass-by minimized the shade effect?