By: Garath Curwen and Kendra Higgins. Volcanoes By: Garath Curwen and Kendra Higgins.
The Types Of Volcanoes They are Shield Volcano The second is Ash and Cinder cone Volcanoes The Third is Composite Volcanoes
The Types Of Eruption The first eruption I will talk about which is the Strombolian. This eruption named after Stromboli an island volcano off the coast of Italy. Thick lava explodes out in separate bursts that sound like a jet engine at close range. Each explosion shoots blobs of lava into the air.
The second Eruption The second eruption is Vulcanian Eruption The Vulcan volcano near Sicily gave Vulcanian Eruption their name. Here sticky magma plugs up the volcano opening’s. The pressure keeps building until it finally blasts out the plug. The force flings lava, gas, rock, and dust high into the air and over large areas.
The Third Eruption The Third Eruption is the Peleean Eruption. Peleean Eruption take their name from Mount Pelee on the island of Martinique. They are the wildest of all. Huge amounts of lava, hot gas, and ash shoot out the top and sides of the volcano. A killer cloud of hot gas, ash, and rocks races down the mountain and across the land at speeds up to 150miles (240 km) an hour.
This is a Diagram of volcano
A Video About Volcanoes! eruption
Did you know? Where and when did a volcano bury two cities? The volcano’s name is Mount Vesuvius it erupted in Italy A.D 79 and the names of the two cities are Pompeii and Herculaneum. There are volcano’s in outer space as far as Jupiter’s moon Io. Did you know there is a new island being born south of Hawaii named Loihi. The largest volcano on Earth is Mauna Loa it is a shield volcano and on it’s shoulder is a volcano named Kilauea it is a is a shield volcano also it is one of the volcano’s that holds Hawaii together. The most active place on Earth is the Ring of Fire
Did you know Continued One of the worst eruptions in history happened on August 27, 1883, when the volcanic island of Krakatau in Indonesia literally blew up. The blast was heard 4800km away. At least 32 00 people died when tsunamis reaching 30 m in height were triggered by the eruptions. A new volcano is forming under the ocean, right beside the main island of Hawaii. It has already been named Loihi. It will continue to grow until it is another island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Perhaps your descendants will visit Loihi in the future! Tourists can visit the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to see the top of the volcano Kilauea. Clouds of steam fill the air, and the odour of rotten eggs is noticeable. What do you think causes the odour? Hint: Some of the ground is a yellow colour! Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines is another example of a composite volcano. It was the largest volcanic eruption of the twentieth century. It had been dormant for about 600 years before it erupted in 1991.
Review Is Earth the only planet with volcano’s? No there are volcano’s on other planet’s. What new island is being born south of Hawaii? Loihi What volcano buried two cities? Mount Vesuvius How many cities got wiped out by Mount Vesuvius? 2 Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Where I got information Science Power 7 WHY DO VOLCANOES BLOW THEIR TOPS? By: Melvin and Gilda Berger Illustrated By Higgins Bond