A:B: FlatsIslands The spaces between mountains, where we find homes are called… C:D: ValleysTowns
C. Valleys
A:B: Steep ValleysCanyons #2 Narrow valleys where the sides are steep are called… C:D: RiversMountains
B. Canyons
A:B: PlainsHills #3 What is the name for a flat area of land found on Earth? C:D: FoothillsMountains
A. Plains
A:B: grasslanddesert #4 Near the Arctic Ocean there is a cold plain where not much grows. This is called a… C:D: tundraglacier
C. tundra
A:B: Volcanograssland #5 A plain covered in rocks, stones, or sand that are very dry due to little rain is called a… C:D: tundradesert
D. Desert
A:B: RiverCreek #6 The longest, largest type of stream that moves through the land is called a… C:D: BrookLake
A. River
A:B: RiverBrook #7 The smallest type of stream that is leads water from a river to a larger body of water is called a … C:D: CreekLake
B. Brook
A:B: PondLake #8 A large body of water that is surrounded by land Is called a… C:D: CreekOcean
B. Lake
A:B: seaocean #9 A body of water that is surrounded by land and smaller than a lake is called a … C:D: peninsulapond
D. pond
A:B: An oceanA sea #10 This is the largest body of water on the earth. It covers most of the earth and is salty. This is called… C:D: A riverA glacier
A. An Ocean
A:B: A beachA peninsula #11 A piece of land that is completely surrounded by water is called… C:D: An islandA desert
C. An island
A:B: A peninsulaAn island #12 A large piece of land that sticks far out into the water and has water on all but one side is called… C:D: A glacierA tundra
A. A peninsula
A:B: VolcanoesGlaciers #13 Mountains of ice that are located in the north and south poles are called… C:D: MountainsIce Mountains
B. Glaciers
A:B: GlacierMountain #14 A mountain where smoke and lava come out of the top is called a… C:D: VolcanoLava Mountain
C. Volcano
A:B: EvaporationSnow #15 This type of precipitation can be harmful or helpful to our earth. It helps plants grow, but could also cause flooding and other damage. It is … C:D: SleetRain
D. Rain
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