By: Emma GrantoBy: Emma Granto
*H*H awaii is the only U.S state to grow coffee.
*H*H onolulu is the nations11th largest metropolitan area. *H*H onolulu is also the capital of Hawaii *B*B arck Obama was born in Honolulu.
There are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet. *V*V owel’s a,e,i,o,u Constants h,k,l,m,n,p,w
*H*H awaii has its own time frame (Hawaiian standard time)
*T*T he population in Hawaii is 1,257,608 in 2008.
* From west to east Hawaii is the widest state in America.
* The south most sate in America is Hawaii. SOUTH
*T*T here are 8 islands that make up Hawaii. *T*T he islands are Niihau,Kauai,Oahu,Molokia,Lanai,Kahoolawe, Maui, Hawaii.
* Hawaii is was the 50 th state to join the union it joined in 1959 August 21