Nutley Public Schools JHWMS Summer Strategies Program Summer of 2015
Welcome to Summer Strategies! Throughout this program, we will spend our time together focusing on improving our reading and writing skills in order to fully prepare you to begin the school year. You will each have the opportunity to work on your own independent weak areas, both individually and in groups, in order to strengthen your skills.
Summer Reading at JHWMS ●All incoming 7 th and 8 th grade students attending the Nutley Public Schools during the school year will have the opportunity to select books that they are interested in and motivated to read during the summer. ●You do not have to choose from an established list. ○Instead, you are encouraged to read fiction and nonfiction texts of your choice throughout the summer to avoid “summer slide” and best prepare for the upcoming school year. ○As you read throughout the summer, you will add the titles and authors of the texts you read onto a “Summer Reading Bucket List.”
What should I prepare for September? When you return to school in September, aside from returning your completed Bucket List, you will be required to reflect upon your summer reading text in a multitude of ways, including a formal “Book Talk.” –You should know each text on your “Bucket List” well enough to be able to discuss the texts with your peers and/or teacher.
To help you prepare for September, while reading, you should consider questions such as: –What new ideas/perspectives have I gained by reading? –How has this text changed my thinking? –What new information have I learned? –What in the text really made an impact on me? Why? You may want to use post-it notes or record your ideas in an app/journal/notebook to track your thinking. –Although this component is not required, it may help you in in September with the in-class assignment. What should I prepare for September?
Sample Book Talks Book Talk “How-To” Teacher Example Student Example Book Wink “Book of the Day”
Not sure what to read this summer? Click on the link below and answer some questions that may lead you to some engaging young adult summer reading books. Reading-Flowchart-Young-Adults.gif
100 Best-Ever Teen Novels Young Adults’ Choices Reading Lists These book lists were created by teens in grades : : : : : : Other Years/Resources: Links to Books Lists
Additional Links to Books Lists Epic Reads YALA’S Teens’ Top Ten The 100 Best Young-Adult Texts of All Time Book Lists & Book Trailers from New York LIbraries
Book Trailers Take a look at the following book trailers for your appropriate grade level. summer-reading