Asphalt Angels by: Ineke Holtwijk The main character Alex is forced to live on the streets after being kicked out of his home by his Step-dad (after his adoptive mother dies). Because he feels alone, he names himself “Crusoe”, after Robinson Crusoe. Soon after that, he finds a gang called the Asphalt Angels, and joins. Here, he’s exposed to drugs, but all Alex really wants is to be adopted.
Literacy Rate The literacy rate for Brazil is 88.6% (2006 estimate). This is the top literacy rate for the entire continent of South America. This is low compared to the 99.0% literacy rate of the US. However, it’s hard to determine the exact literacy rate for Brazil, and other countries in South America due to there being so many people living on the streets.
What Kids Do When They’re NOT In School… Most street children, to find money, do odd jobs like carrying boxes for people or painting buildings like shown Children will also spray chemicals or strip paint; being exposed to harsh and damaging chemicals.
Raising Literacy Rates in Street Children Many children have been taken from streets and put into orphanages. Even though it’s not a permanent home, they can get an education, and not have to worry about whether or not they get to eat, or if they’re going to be kidnapped, beaten, or raped.
Raising Literacy Rates in Adults Women represents the majority of illiteracy people in the region. By % total illiterates of Latin America and South America were women, representing even more than 60% in some countries. Studies confirm that education of women contributes with the formation of social capital, the reduction of fertility and mortality rates and the education of children, collaborating with the development of the society and future generations. If South America can raise literacy rates in women, it will raise all literacy rates by 40%.
Free Schooling In some countries, such as Brazil and Mexico, the term "public schools" is used for educational institutions owned by the federal, state, or city governments which do not charge tuition. Such schools exist in all levels of education, from the very beginning through post-secondary studies. Mexico has nine years of free and compulsory primary and secondary education. The later years of schooling are comparable to the state university systems in most US states. Many parents can’t afford schooling for their kids, so the kids get jobs and spend their time earning money for the family. If there were more tuition free schools, everyone could have the education that they deserve.