Plato’s Republic & Ion Prepared by: Dr. Kay Picart Associate Professor of English Courtesy Associate Professor of Law
Plato (c BCE) Plato (circa 428-c. 347 BC) Plato (circa 428-c. 347 BC) l Student of Socrates ( BCE l Founder of the Academy in Athens l Used Dialogues, which had a dialectical element
Guide Questions: l Who are the main characters in Book V of The Republic? l What are they discussing?
What is an Allegory?
Plato’s Epistemology: The Divided Line l Noumenon/a: l 1.) l 2.) l Phenomenon/a: l 1.) l 2.)
Plato’s Epistemology: The Cave and the Line l Light: l Darkness:
Related Websites: l Plato: The Allegory of the Cave Plato: The Allegory of the Cave l Plato's "Allegory of the Cave“ Plato's "Allegory of the Cave“ l Plato's Allegory of the Cave Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Plato’s Ion l Who are the characters in Plato’s Ion? l What are they discussing? l What is a relationship between Ion and the Republic?
Connection between the Republic & the Ion l Socrates views:
The example of the bed l NOUMENA: l PHENOMENA:
Plato’s Educational Program for the Republic
Plato’s Views on Women Education Family
The Myth of Gyges
Conclusions l Ultimately, for Plato, literature (especially poetry) must be harnessed carefully because: