Presenting your Research
APA Style Talk: Overview Should be 10 minutes with another 5 minutes for questions Each group member should speak Same format as APA paper Fewer details Keep it simple, provide repetition listener can’t go back and reread passage
Introduction What is the general topic? What are the real world connections? Any terms that need defining?
Introduction: How does this study fit in to the larger context just addressed? Brief history of related studies What new question does this study address?
Introduction: Summary of present study What is the general technique you will use to answer the question? What is your theoretical hypothesis IV/DV or PV/CV? What is your operational hypothesis, IV/DV or PV/CV?
Method Who are the participants in your study? How were participants selected? What materials were used in the study?
Method What was the general study design? Correlational or Experimental? If Experimental, within or between subjects? How many PVs or IVs, what were they, levels? What was the DV?
Method: What steps made up the experiment? Were there practice trials/pilot test? What instructions were given to each subject? What was the procedure?
Results Condensed format Description of data only NO INTERPRETATION- i.e. stick to the facts! Were any data discarded? If so, why?
Results What was the general pattern of the data relating to the hypothesis? Descriptive statistics A simple chart with both axes labeled means
Results What inferential statistics were employed? Were the differences statistically significant?
Discussion Were your hypotheses supported? How do your results relate to your hypotheses? Why do you think you got the results you did? especially important if results were unexpected Can you explain your results in terms of other studies or theories?
Discussion Can you generalize your results to other groups? Were there any substantial problems or flaws in your study’s design?
Discussion Do the results suggest new studies? What is the next question that should be asked?