Social Science Research Proper Methods HHS 4M Mr. Carney
Title Page Please keep the title page simple There is no need for creative art work Include – the title of your research assignment –Ex. Social Science Research Assignment #2: Leaving home – Quantitative Research” At the bottom right hand side of the page include – your name, my name, course code, date.
Abstract This is the first portion of your research- ironically however it will probably be the last part that you complete. The abstract is a word summary of the topic that you investigated. It includes: methods, results, and your interpretation of the results. The abstract is always written in italics
Introduction The introduction is the time to define all terms, and as an extension to your introduction you will complete a Literature Review. Your final sentence will outline the purpose of the research
Hypothesis There is no need to take a lot of time with the hypothesis Clearly and succinctly state your hypothesis. Your introduction will help the reader understand any terms
Instruments This is another brief segment Included in this would be: survey, calculator, computer, etc. Typically the instruments would be 1 sentence long
Procedure State every detail of the research procedure Answer the: who, what, when, where, and how
Results Present your findings in tabular form – ie. in graphs, charts, appendixes, etc.
Discussion This is the time when you compare your primary research to your hypothesis. The generic sentence you may use to begin your Discussion is: –“The results of my primary research (support/do not support) my hypothesis.” Remember – we do not prove anything!
Conclusion This section is a comparison between your primary and secondary research. The generic statement you can use to begin your conclusion is: –“The results of my primary research (are/are not) consistent with the literature.” –Make as many comparisons as you can to the literature.
Critique All research can be critiqued. Find and report on any weaknesses within your own research. For each social science research assignment, find a minimum of 5 weaknesses.
References Adhere to APA format please This is a critical part to all social science research because a good portion of all research involves an analysis of existing research. Remember – always give credit, where credit is due.