What are some challenges ELL students face? Think of your content area ELL challenge!
Teacher Skeletal Outline Samples
Help them take notes and build background! Videos ___________________(students fill out teacher prepared outline while watching a video, listening to the teachers lecture, reading from the book or internet…) Pretest for ______________________ and build from that! ___________ Information Have students look through their readings (skim for vocabulary) allow to ask questions Write your ______________ on the board _____________ for student reflection Write ________________ to help them get the idea of what the lesson will cover. Help them become ________________. Guided Questions- questions for them to check comprehension…stop and think about what they have read.
Be Aware of the Challenges ESL students have in Math class _________________ varies from culture to culture use of _____________ and comma vary from culture to culture Students have no experience with our __________________, It is an abstract to them. Math is not _____________ in many cultures. So students may not know a lot about geometry, for example. Many students have never seen or worked with _________________. They may not take a lesson using manipulatives seriously.
Continue… Students learn math by __________ __________. Math curricula in their countries may be primarily calculation. ______________ may not be introduced until much later. ___________, rounding, and ___________ are not often taught as early in other cultures. Mathematical terms do not always __________ well. Mental math may be the ________. Students may not show work in ___________, ___________, _____________ and division or they may show work in a different way,
Be Aware of the Challenges ESL students have in Science class! Lack of background knowledge in science. Our ______________ is different from what they are used to. Drawing conclusions may be ___________ for ELLs. Students may not have been trained to make ___________. Vocabulary! (There are a special set of terms for the student to learn.) Even simple words that the student may know, could have ___________ ___________ in science. Material may be covered ________ ________ Directions are often ____________ and difficult. Too many __________ explained on each page of a science text.
Continue… Cooperative learning may not fit in with students experiences in learning. Visuals may be ___________and ___________ to understand. Sentence structure is __________ and the passive voice is used in textbooks. ELLs are not used to ___________ _____ or equipment Students lack background in __________ _________ There is no standard form of delivery of information
Be aware of the challenges ELL students have in Social Studies Class. Use of higher level thinking skills for reading and writing. Lack of familiarity with _________ ________, government processes, and vocabulary. Social Studies text contains __________ _______, passive voice, and extensive use of pronouns. ELLs may not be used to expressing their personal opinions. Concepts which do no exist in all cultures are difficult. This includes privacy,.
Continue… democratic processes, _______ of citizens, free will. No concept of movement within the structure of a society. ELLs are seldom asked to contribute an _________ _______ that reflects conditions in other countries. Use in our schools of _________ teaching vs. learning history by __________ or __________.” Difficulty with understanding what is said by the teacher and being able to _________ _________. Amount of text covered and the ELLs’ inability to tell what is important in the text and what is not important
Be aware of the challenges ELL students have in English class. an abundance of idioms and figurative language in English texts density of __________ vocabulary use of ___________ and synonyms grammar usage - “exceptions to the rules” word order, sentence structure and syntax difficult text structure ( a topic sentence, supporting details and conclusion) unfamiliar with ____________ and denotative meanings of words use of regional U.S. dialects fear of participation and interaction with mainstream students‚
Continue… literary terms for _________ ___________ are not understood unfamiliarity with drawing conclusions, analyzing characters and predicting outcomes imagery and _____________ in text are difficult ELLs may not have practice in expressing opinions about text. use of regional U.S. _________ fear of ____________ and interaction with mainstream students‚ story themes and endings can be inexplicable literary terms for story development are not understood unfamiliarity with ___________ ____________, analyzing characters and predicting outcomes imagery and symbolism in text are difficult