2013 Fall 1 Chapter 1: The Database Environment 楊立偉教授 台灣大學工管系.


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Presentation transcript:

2013 Fall 1 Chapter 1: The Database Environment 楊立偉教授 台灣大學工管系

Chapter 1 2 Definitions Database: organized collection of logically related data Database: organized collection of logically related data Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events Structured: numbers, text, dates 結構性 Structured: numbers, text, dates 結構性 Unstructured: images, video, documents 非結構性 Unstructured: images, video, documents 非結構性 Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person using the data Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person using the data Metadata: data that describes the properties and context of user data 描述資料用的註記 Metadata: data that describes the properties and context of user data 描述資料用的註記

Chapter 1 3 Figure 1-1a Data in context 範例 : 修課清單 Context helps users understand data 有哪些種類的資料? 有哪些欄位?

Chapter 1 4 Graphical displays turn data into useful information that managers can use for decision making and interpretation 提供決策與解釋之用 Figure 1-1b Summarized data 摘要 ( 描述性 ) 資料

Chapter 1 5 Descriptions of the properties or characteristics of the data, including data types 資料型別, field sizes 欄位長度, allowable values 合法值, and data context 資料來源與描述

Chapter 1 6 Disadvantages of File Processing 1. Program-Data Dependence 程式與資料相依 All programs maintain metadata for each file they use All programs maintain metadata for each file they use 2. Duplication of Data Different systems/programs have separate copies of the same data Different systems/programs have separate copies of the same data 3. Limited Data Sharing No centralized control of data No centralized control of data 4. Lengthy Development Times Programmers must design their own file formats 欠缺統一格式 Programmers must design their own file formats 欠缺統一格式 5. Excessive Program Maintenance 80% of information systems budget 80% of information systems budget 如果不存在資料庫,就只能存在檔案中,缺點是 …

Chapter Problems with Data Dependency Each programmer must maintain his/her own data 不同人 ( 或系統 ) 得維護自己的資料 Each programmer must maintain his/her own data 不同人 ( 或系統 ) 得維護自己的資料 Each program needs to include code for the metadata of each file 得在程式中自己定義資料種類 Each program needs to include code for the metadata of each file 得在程式中自己定義資料種類 Each program must have its own processing routines for reading, inserting, updating, and deleting data 在程式中自己處理各項資料操作 Each program must have its own processing routines for reading, inserting, updating, and deleting data 在程式中自己處理各項資料操作 Lack of coordination and central control 欠缺控管 Lack of coordination and central control 欠缺控管 Non-standard file formats 沒有標準格式 Non-standard file formats 沒有標準格式 若不將資料分離開,而程式與資料是相依的話 …

Chapter 1 8 Duplicate Data 某大傢俱公司的三個部門 ( 系統 )

Chapter Problems with Data Redundancy Waste of space to have duplicate data 浪費儲存空間 Waste of space to have duplicate data 浪費儲存空間 Causes more maintenance headaches 需更多維護成本 Causes more maintenance headaches 需更多維護成本 The biggest problem: The biggest problem: Data changes in one file could cause inconsistencies 造成資料不一致性 Data changes in one file could cause inconsistencies 造成資料不一致性 Compromises in data integrity Compromises in data integrity 重複資料的問題 破壞資料整體性

Chapter 1 10 SOLUTION: The DATABASE Approach Central repository of shared data 集中儲存 Central repository of shared data 集中儲存 Data is managed by a controlling agent Data is managed by a controlling agent 統一管理 統一管理 Stored in a standardized, convenient form 標準並方便處理的格式 Stored in a standardized, convenient form 標準並方便處理的格式 Requires a Database Management System (DBMS)

Chapter 1 11 Database Management System (DBMS) DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages hardware resources A software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to user databases Order Filing System Invoicing System Payroll System DBMS Central database Contains employee, order, inventory, pricing, and customer data 集中儲存 存取統一控制 不同系統

Chapter 1 12 Advantages of the Database Approach Program-data independence 程式與資料獨立切開 Program-data independence 程式與資料獨立切開 Planned data redundancy 避免資料重複 Planned data redundancy 避免資料重複 Improved data consistency 改善資料一致性 Improved data consistency 改善資料一致性 Improved data sharing 讓資料可共用 Improved data sharing 讓資料可共用 Increased application development productivity Increased application development productivity加快應用程式開發 Enforcement of standards 標準的資料格式 Enforcement of standards 標準的資料格式 Improved data quality 改善資料品質 Improved data quality 改善資料品質 Improved data accessibility and responsiveness Improved data accessibility and responsiveness更好的資料存取性與回應 Reduced program maintenance 減少維護成本 Reduced program maintenance 減少維護成本

Chapter 1 13 Costs and Risks of the Database Approach New, specialized personnel 需要專人處理 New, specialized personnel 需要專人處理 Installation and management cost and complexity 資料庫安裝與管理成本 Installation and management cost and complexity 資料庫安裝與管理成本 Conversion costs 轉換資料或系統的成本 Conversion costs 轉換資料或系統的成本 Need for explicit backup and recovery Need for explicit backup and recovery需要確實備份與復原 Organizational conflict Organizational conflict可能會造成組織衝突

Chapter 1 14 Elements of the Database Approach Data models 資料模型 Data models 資料模型 Graphical system capturing nature and relationship of data Graphical system capturing nature and relationship of data Enterprise Data Model–high-level entities and relationships for the organization Enterprise Data Model–high-level entities and relationships for the organization Project Data Model–more detailed view, matching data structure in database or data warehouse Project Data Model–more detailed view, matching data structure in database or data warehouse Relational Databases 關聯式資料庫 Relational Databases 關聯式資料庫 Database technology involving tables (relations) representing entities and primary/foreign keys representing relationships Database technology involving tables (relations) representing entities and primary/foreign keys representing relationships Use of Internet Technology 使用網路技術 Use of Internet Technology 使用網路技術 Networks and telecommunications, distributed databases, client- server, and 3-tier architectures Networks and telecommunications, distributed databases, client- server, and 3-tier architectures Database Applications 資料庫應用 Database Applications 資料庫應用 Application programs used to perform database activities (create, read, update, and delete 增查修刪 CRUD) for database users Application programs used to perform database activities (create, read, update, and delete 增查修刪 CRUD) for database users

Chapter 1 15 Segment of an enterprise data model Segment of a project-level data model Figure 1-2 Comparison of enterprise and project level data models

Chapter 1 16 此稱為 Entity 此稱為 Relationship 此稱為 Entity-Relationship Model (E-R model)

Chapter 1 17 Figure 1-5 Components of the Database Environment

Chapter 1 18 Components of the Database Environment CASE Tools – computer-aided software engineering CASE Tools – computer-aided software engineering Repository – centralized storehouse of metadata Repository – centralized storehouse of metadata Database Management System (DBMS) – software for managing the database Database Management System (DBMS) – software for managing the database Database – storehouse of the data Database – storehouse of the data Application Programs – software using the data Application Programs – software using the data User Interface – text and graphical displays to users User Interface – text and graphical displays to users 角色 Data/Database Administrators – personnel responsible for maintaining the database 角色 Data/Database Administrators – personnel responsible for maintaining the database 角色 System Developers – personnel responsible for designing databases and software 角色 System Developers – personnel responsible for designing databases and software 角色 End Users – people who use the applications and databases 角色 End Users – people who use the applications and databases

Chapter 1 19 The Range of Database Applications Personal databases Personal databases Workgroup databases Workgroup databases Departmental/divisional databases Departmental/divisional databases Enterprise database Enterprise database Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems Data warehousing implementations Data warehousing implementations 各種資料庫應用系統 – 會用到資料庫的程式 ( 非常多 )

Chapter 1 20 Table 1-6 Summary of Database Applications 各種資料庫應用系統的比較表

Chapter 1 21 人事資料庫系統 畫面範例

Chapter 1 22 Figure 1-7 Workgroup database with wireless local area network 部署在無線區域網路 的資料庫系統範例

Chapter 1 23 Enterprise Database Applications Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Integrate all enterprise functions (manufacturing, finance, sales, marketing, inventory, accounting, human resources) Integrate all enterprise functions (manufacturing, finance, sales, marketing, inventory, accounting, human resources) 相當於 進銷存 + 財會 + 人資總務 相當於 進銷存 + 財會 + 人資總務 Data Warehouse 資料倉儲 Data Warehouse 資料倉儲 Integrated decision support system derived from various operational databases Integrated decision support system derived from various operational databases

Chapter 1 24 Figure 1-8 An enterprise data warehouse 資料倉儲 : 包含 / 匯整了整個企業所有的資料

Chapter 1 25 Web-Enabled Databases Web applications requiring databases Customer relationship management (CRM) 顧客關係管理 Ex. 網路客服系統 Business-to-consumer (B2C) 面對消費者的電子商務 Ex. PChome Electronic data interchange (EDI) 電子資料交換 Ex. 網路報稅或網路銀行轉帳結清 需要資料庫的各種網路應用系統