Communication between the machine and the user, to assist the user to solve the unstructured problem. Control of input and outputs to meet the analysis of alternative to the problem. User is able to deal the data requirement and analyze the outputs. Help the user to make a better use of the DSS to solve the problem in hand. Functions of DGMS DGMS as a component of a DSS provide basic functions as follows;
DOS-based: Early DSS technology, poor quality graphic. Standalone. DSSAT 3.5. Windows-based: Graphic-oriented, high quality graphic. multiple languages, voice command. standalone workstation. OyThai, Posoup, Arawan, DSSAT 4.0, etc. Web-based Graphic-oriented. Multiple languages. Network of workers, shared computer & data resources. Centralized DBMS, MBMS, DGMS—better data quality. Types of DGMS
Need to discuss with users. Need to define a set of criteria to evaluate them. Comparing types of DGMS The 3 type of DGMS may be compared using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process).
When do one needs a DSS? Why do we need DSS to deal problems of agricultural systems? What is the most appropriate approach to develop a DSS? What kind of resources are needed to develop such DSS? Questions