PUTNEY AIR POLLUTION CAMPAIGN Jonathan Callaway The Putney Society
PUTNEY – KEY ACTIONS Putney Society public meetings NO2 survey of main roads and nearby residential streets Widely distributed press release targeted at politicians and media Follow-up with Wandsworth Council, TfL and Mayor’s Office Key achievement in persuading TfL to introduce hybrid and retro-fitted buses
PUTNEY – KEY ISSUES Council was not prepared to act on our data and in fact challenged some findings PUBLICITY MADE THE DIFFERENCE – got the parties round the table Putney’s problems now on the media radar – thanks to King’s College data Imminence of 2012 Mayoral elections was a factor Council genuinely motivated to address issues (Mayor holding out offer of “Exemplar” status if innovative/effective actions taken) But it is not in the Council’s power to tackle the fundamental problem – our High Street doubles as a major through road and a local shopping street – and it is disinclined to consider anything too “radical” and nothing which might be expensive
PUTNEY – NEXT STEPS More difficult, under discussion: Second survey focusing on PMs? Working with Wandworth Environmental Forum to keep pressure on Council – ensure monitoring maintained Engaging with Director of Public Health for Wandsworth – air quality seemingly not one of her priorities – especially to link the issue to the Active Travel agenda Need to find new ‘hooks’ to keep the story alive – e.g. hybrid buses are using their diesel engines in Putney Use the Boris bikes opportunity