U.S. Electronic Clinical Trials Markets Drive for More Clinical Trials Boosts Market Growth "Clinical trial sponsors are determined to streamline the process of recruiting subjects and capturing case report information, as a result, online technologies will play an important role in achieving that goal." HIS/eHealth Analyst Team Frost & Sullivan
Detailed insights into recent developments and trends Drivers, restraints, challenges, and strategic recommendations Analytical insights into current topics and emerging applications in the electronic clinical trials market Market-sizing and competitive analysis Market forecasts and opportunity analyses Quarterly assessments End-user analysis Key Features
Coverage: The United States Proven methodology using extensive primary and secondary data as well as research Focused information and strategies that cover business and technology issues Credible data and analyses that highlight industry dynamics Precise strategies to help you create winning business plans What We Offer
Current Market Participants Find out where you stand in comparison with the competitors Assess current and future drivers as well as restraints Determine and exploit new market share opportunities New Entrants Analyze the associated challenges Calculate timescales for strategy implementation Position yourself to capitalize on the unmet needs of the market Investment Community Analyze long-term strategies of companies Determine which participants will outperform the competition Assess the attractiveness of investing in the market Benefits
Acurian, Inc. Advent Venture Partners Amgen, Inc. Applied Logic Associates, Inc. Araccel Corp. Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Aventis Bedrock Capital Ventures Benchmark Capital Bessemer Ventures Biostat Boston Biostatistics Bristol-Myers Squibb Canaan Partners Cardinal Systems Carolina Clinical Systems Cato Research Ltd. CB Technologies, Inc. Key Market Participants Centerwatch, Inc. Certus International, Inc. ClinDev, Inc. Clinical Data Care ClinProbe International Ltd. Clinsoft Corp. CoroMed/Omnicare Covance, Inc. Datatrak International Delphi Ventures Eli Lilly and Co. EmergingMed.com, Inc. EnMed, Inc. eTrials Fidelity Ventures Galen Partners Genencor International, Inc. Genentech, Inc.
GlaxoSmithKline Hauser, Inc. Healthexchange.org Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. Hopelink Corp. Huntingdon Life Sciences Inglewood Ventures Invivodata, Inc. Johnson&Johnson Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield, and Byers MDS Pharma Services MedVenture Associates Menlo Ventures Norvartis AG OmniComm Systems, Inc. Oracle Corp. Pacific Ventures Pfizer, Inc. Key Market Participants (cont’d) Pharmacia Corp. PharmaNet, Inc. PharmaResearch Corp. Phase Forward, Inc. PHT Corp. PPD, Inc. Premier Research Worldwide Psilos Quintiles Transnational Corp. Rho, Inc. SAS/Ibiomatics STATPROBE, Inc. Summit Partners Sutter Hill Ventures Venrock Partners VeritasMedicine Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
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