LBT Q Eng/SW Review TERC Tertiary Mirror Units Commissioning
4-Apr-2008LBT Q Eng/SW Review Highlights Mirror installed Mechanism position moved (twice!) SX M3 installed and working M3 aligned with rotator gallery Failed motor encoder on SX M3 Site visit by ADS (Paolo Lazzerini) Ran the software on the mountain, performing moves in tip, tilt, piston and rotation Ran the software on the mountain, performing moves in tip, tilt, piston and rotation Showed that the various status bits worked correctly Showed that the various status bits worked correctly
4-Apr-2008LBT Q Eng/SW Review Progress √ Install SX mirror √ √ Fix mirror position √ Complete and test software Build mirror safety devices Commissioning Perform acceptance tests
4-Apr-2008 LBT Q Eng/SW Review Progress (cont.) √ Installed SX linear actuator limit switches √ Repaired broken sensor √ Isolated motor encoder fault √ Temporary fix implemented √ Tested SX M3 in lab and on telescope √ √ Tested DX M3 in lab √
4-Apr-2008 LBT Q Eng/SW Review Progress (cont.) Spares moved to site Additional spares ordered Limit switches Power supply Software GUI testing Developed ‘unstick’ procedure Modified some parameters Supported alignment
4-Apr-2008LBT Q Eng/SW Review Open Issues Technical Technical Major software issues to be resolved Mirror safety devices pending Mechanical rebuild likely Encoder replacement likely Increased mechanical friction Unknown amplifier faults Units need to be changed for some commands. Functionality may be added to facilitate 'unsticking' the rotator. Full testing still needs to be performed, as well as determining the actual positions of the focal stations.
4-Apr-2008 LBT Q Eng/SW Review Open Issues Schedule Schedule Replacement of failed encoder Substantial additional work probably required Budget Budget >$1500 for replacement motor/encoder ~$3500 for spare rotator encoder Replacement of gearboxes (ADS?) Resource Resource Could turn into a black hole! ADS?
4-Apr-2008LBT Q Eng/SW Review Planning (Q2/2008) Design and build mirror safety devices? Complete and test M3 software Program in the focal station positions Ensure the units are correct for the commands Order replacement motor encoder Order additional spares (Motor/Encoder, rotator encoder) Replace limit switches on DX M3 Encoder/gearbox replacement? (Q3/2008) Mechanical rebuild (Q3/2008) Commissioning/acceptance tests (???)