1 Study Committee Representatives Annual Meeting October 19, 2008 Winnipeg SC B4 “HVDC and Power Electronics” Activity Report Presented by: John McNichol (Manitoba Hydro)
2 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics General Subject Matter LCC (Line Commutated Converters) - Conventional technology for HVDC transmission utilizing thyristors as the switching technology for rectifier and inverter operation VSC (Voltage Source Converters) – “New” Technology for HVDC conversion using IGBT switching technology. It is currently applied to schemes of less than 1000 MW. Technology is growing and its applications can include passive loads, wind and off shore oil rigs. Losses and IGBT rating are limiting factors that are gradually being overcome. FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) – Systems involving the controlled switching of capacitors and/or reactors to facilitate and stabilize increased power transmission. The elements may be series or shunt connected
3 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Membership 24 Regular Country Members (including Canada) 4 Observer Country Members Canadians On SC B4 10 Canadians are major contributors to the technical activities of the study committee 4 Canadians serve as Conveners of Advisory/Working Groups
4 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Structure - General Leadership Convenor and Secretary Supporting Organization 5 Advisory Groups (Permanent Standing) 10 Working Groups (Term Limited) 2 Joint Working Groups
5 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Structure - Advisory Groups AG 01 Strategic Advisory Group Ensure all activities are appropriate and of sufficient priority and meet the needs of the industry and users. AG 02 Working Group Conception and Guidelines Maintain a survey of world wide experts available to participate in Working Group Activities AG 03 Environmental Issues Ensure that the study committee focuses on environmental aspects that are important for the implementation of new HVDC schemes
6 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Structure - Advisory Groups AG 04 HVDC System Performance Gather and publish the performance data of current operating systems. Maintain a compendium of worldwide systems. AG 05 Tutorials and Communication Develop and present tutorials in conjunction with regular meetings and in response to the needs of the industry and potential new users of HVDC
7 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Structure - Working Groups WG B4.38 Simulation of HVDC and FACTS WG B4.39 Integration of Large Scale Wind Power with HVDC and Power Electronics WG B4.40 Static Series Synchronous Compensator WG B4.41 Systems with Multiple HVDC Infeeds WG B4.44 Planning Guidelines Dealing with HVDC Environmental Issues WG B4.45 Technological Assessment of 800kv HVDC Applications
8 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Structure – Working Groups WG B4.46 Voltage Source Converter HVDC for Power Transmission – Economic Aspects and Comparison with Other AC and DC Technologies WG B4.47 Special Issues in AC Filter Specifications for HVDC WG B4.48 Component Testing of VSC Systems for HVDC Applications WG 4.49 Performance Evaluation and Applications Review of Existing Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation Devices
9 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Structure – Joint Working Groups JWG B2.17/B4/C1 Impacts of HVDC Lines on the Economics of HVDC Projects JWG A2.28/B4 HVDC Converter Transformer Test Procedures
10 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics New Working Groups WG B4.xx HVDC Grids JWG B4.xx/B2 Electric Field and Ion Current Environment of HVDC Lines JWG B5.xx/B4 Impact of HVDC Stations on the Control and Protection of AC Systems
11 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Regular Meetings Osaka Japan Meetings, Symposium and Tutorial Paris France Regular Session Bergen Norway Meetings, Symposium and Tutorial Paris France Regular Session Melbourne Australia Meetings, Symposium and Tutorial
12 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Paris 2010 Preferential Subjects PS1 Developments in HVDC and FACTS Technology UHV HVDC Transmission Multi-Terminal and Meshed HVDC Configurations HVDC and Facts as a Means to Improve System Capacity Performance and Efficiency
13 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics 2010 Preferential Subjects PS2 HVDC and FACTS – Operating Experience and New Projects Interconnections Using Land and/or Submarine Cables and/or Overhead Lines Embedding of HVDC and FACTS in AC Networks Renewable Energy Applications
14 SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics 2010 Preferential Subjects PS3 HVDC and FACTS Project Development Issues Environmental Issues for HVDC and FACTS Schemes, Including Visual Impact,Earth Return,Audible Noise, EMF and Ions System Performance with Embedded HVDC Links, Including Multi Infeed and Ancillary Services Options Considered, Regulatory, Licensing, Project Funding, and Technical Risks Issues