Unit 1 Does it eat meat? Module 6 A trip to the zoo.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Does it eat meat? Module 6 A trip to the zoo

Step 1 Warming-up

Step 2 Presentation

zebra giraffelion panda bearelephant monkey tiger strongbig tall dangerous funny cutedangerousquick

zebra giraffe lion panda bear elephant monkey tiger dangerous big tall dangerous funny cute dangerousquick

panda cute… 可爱的

Step 3 Word Consolidation

Who has sharp eyes? 眼力大比拼! Game Time!

Do you have a good memory( 记忆力)?

Step 4 Presentation Ⅱ

Does the tiger come from China? Yes, it does. It comes from China. Does the tiger eat fruit? No, it doesn’t. It eats meat. tiger dangerous 危险的 China meat

China Does the monkey come from China? Yes, it does. It comes from China.

bamboo Does the panda eat bamboo? Yes, it does. It eats bamboo.

Does the panda come from America? No, it doesn’t. China It comes from China.

America Does the bear come from China? ____________. ____________. _________________. America No, it doesn’t. Yes, it does. It comes from America.

Africa A: Does the… come from ? B: … Africa

meat Does the tiger eat meat? _____________. It __________. Yes, it does. eats meat.

plant--- plants A: Does the …eat…? B: …

Step 5 Pair work

Does the …come from China/America/Africa? Yes, it does. It …/ No, it doesn’t. It …It… Does the …eat meat/leaves/plants/bamboo? No, it doesn’t. It …It…Yes, it does. It …/

leavesplants meat bamboo plant s Does the…come from…? Yes, it does. /No, it doesn’t. It comes… Does the…eat …? Yes, it does. /No, it doesn’t. It eats… AfricaAmerica China

Pair work. AmericaAfricaChina Does the…come from…? Yes, it does. /No, it doesn’t. It comes… Does the…eat…? Yes, it does. /No, it doesn’t. It eats… plantsleavesmeat bamboo meat

Step 6 Show Time

animals meat bamboo plants leaves bear tiger elephant giraffe lion monkey panda zebra places character cute funny dangerous … America China Africa … food The bear comes from America. It is dangerous. It eats meat. Say your sentences!

Step 7 Listening

What’ s the name of the panda ? A. Panpan B. Lingling 3. Listen and choose

Listen and try to answer. Does the bear eat plants ? Yes, it does.

Step 8 Reading Time

Read and answer. What’ s the name of the panda ? A. Panpan B. Lingling

There are (1) other / many animals from different (2) country / countries in Beijing Zoo, (3) such / which as bears, giraffes and pandas. The lions are (4) funny / dangerous because they eat meat. The bears eat meat too, but also (5) plants / leaves. Elephants are (6) different / cute. They’re (7) tall / white and eat (8) plants / meat. Pandas are black and white and eat (9) bamboo / other animals. The (10) panda’s / guide’s name is Lingling. Underline the correct words. 4

Step 9 Group work

Welcome to Wenzhou Zoo ! guide

四人一小组,一个是导游,另外三个是游客。游客可以 问导游关于动物的饮食问题. Guide: Welcome to Wenzhou Zoo. There are many kinds of animals such as pandas, bears and monkeys. They come from different countries and eat different food. A: Does the…come from…? Does is it eat…? G: Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t. B: Does the …come from…? Does it eat…? G: Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t. C: Does the …come from…? Does it eat …? G: Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t. A: Thank you. Shall we go and see the…? G: Sure, let’s go.

四人一小组,一个是导游,另外三个是游客。游客可以问导游关于 动物的问题. Guide: Welcome to Wenzhou Zoo. The zoo has many kinds of animals such as pandas, bears and zebras. They come from different countries and eat different food. A: Does the …come from…? Does the… eat…? G: … B: …come from…?.. eat…? G: … C: …come from…? … eat …? G: … A: Thank you. My favorite animal is …Shall we go and see it? G: Sure, let’s go.

第一次磨课:先播放一段杂技团动物的 video ,引出本节课 所有教授的内容 —animals. 接下来就是一个猜测的游戏环节。 考虑到在没有教授新单词的情况下就进行猜测游戏,不符合 新课标的理念,先有输入才能有输出。因此在第二次磨课过程中, 改成了以新授课单词逐个呈现的形式,一种动物想对应的一个 形容词,可能单词学生掌握了,可是让人感觉纯粹是在灌输知识, 而没有给学生充分的思维空间。于是在第三次磨课中,我们把它改 成了这样的形式,比如说呈现生词 —panda, 教师通过提问的方式, What do you think of the panda? 可以有很多个形容词来描述 panda. 再引出我们所需要的生词 —cute.