Service (Learning) For Peace Living for the Sake of Others Learning for Lifelong Excellence Serving for Community Building
“Pathways” Workshops Lead to Competent Performance “Pathways” Workshops Lead to Competent Performance Orientation to Summer of Service (SOS-1) Orientation to Summer of Service (SOS-1) Academic, Experiential and Community Leadership Goals, Roles and Skills Academic, Experiential and Community Leadership Goals, Roles and Skills Community Goals, Characteristics, Resources Community Goals, Characteristics, Resources Organization, Plan, Schedule, Benchmark Organization, Plan, Schedule, Benchmark Product, Process, Progress, Performance Product, Process, Progress, Performance Reflect, Reaffirm and Redirect a life Reflect, Reaffirm and Redirect a life Orientation to Semester of Service (SOS-2) Orientation to Semester of Service (SOS-2)
Know-why, Know-what, Know-How Knowledge Knowledge Concepts Concepts Strategies Strategies Skills Skills Implementation Implementation Evaluation Evaluation Reflection Reflection Continuity and Change Continuity and Change
SUMMER OF SERVICE (SOS-1) Service for Peace Service for Peace Miami-Dade College Miami-Dade College Municipalities of Hialeah, Miami, Miami Gardens and North Miami Municipalities of Hialeah, Miami, Miami Gardens and North Miami Civic Organizations – Hands On Miami, Rotary Civic Organizations – Hands On Miami, Rotary Corporations Corporations Religious Communities Religious Communities High Schools, Colleges and Universities High Schools, Colleges and Universities
Social, Economic and Policy Results New friends, co-learners and community Renewed friends, co-learners and community Future colleagues, collaborators and competitors Future civic colleagues Present gateways to better continuity and change Present bridges to education and internships Present and future networks for ethical excellence
Join and improve the race: human, humanization and humanity race Think globally Act locally Reflect internally Connect laterally Cooperate inclusively Collaborate with integrity Celebrate jubilantly Extend effectively
Distractions on the Path to Service For Peace: 24 hours in the day 24 hours in the day Daily Obligations and Options Daily Obligations and Options Choices, Chances, Challenges Choices, Chances, Challenges Sense of Self and Others Sense of Self and Others Sense of Priorities Sense of Priorities Sense of Fulfillment Sense of Fulfillment Uncommon Sense of Community building and “ME” Uncommon Sense of Community building and “ME”
Light Up Your Community! Summer of Service 2004! Be the answer you seek Become the competencies you need Facilitate the community you can envision Enjoy the Pathmaker in you Celebrate your new and extended community of friends Affirm your self, community and career aspirations
SERVICE (LEARNING) FOR PEACE - PASS IT ON! Aspire Anticipate Train Implement Enjoy Share Celebrate
Elevate Your Community and World Be an instrument of service, justice and peace! Be an instrument of service, justice and peace!
Raise your heart, head and hand! Join up, join in and serve! Join up, join in and serve!
SEMESTER OF SERVICE (SOS) Embrace & Engage the School Year SEMESTER OF SERVICE (SOS) Embrace & Engage the School Year Center for Community Involvement (CCI) Center for Community Involvement (CCI) Service For Peace (SFP) Service For Peace (SFP) Social Sciences, Honors College and more Social Sciences, Honors College and more Academic, Experiential and Service Learning Academic, Experiential and Service Learning Content, Competency and Community Building Content, Competency and Community Building Lifelong personal and professional value-added Lifelong personal and professional value-added Lifelong civic and career connections Lifelong civic and career connections Outcomes: growth, grades, certification, credibility Outcomes: growth, grades, certification, credibility
SEMESTER OF SERVICE (SOS): From coursework to community SEMESTER OF SERVICE (SOS): From coursework to community Academic Discipline (s) Academic Discipline (s) Classroom, learning community and campus Classroom, learning community and campus Civic community, neighborhoods and residents Civic community, neighborhoods and residents National affinity groups – needy and helpful National affinity groups – needy and helpful Regional affinity groups – needy and helpful Regional affinity groups – needy and helpful Global affinity groups – needy and helpful Global affinity groups – needy and helpful Cyber affinity groups – sources and applications Cyber affinity groups – sources and applications
SERVICE (LEARNING) FOR PEACE LIVING FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS LIVING FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS LEARNING FOR LIFELONG EXCELLENCE LEARNING FOR LIFELONG EXCELLENCE SERVING FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING SERVING FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING Connecting personal, professional, career and civic aspirations for a lifelong commitment to competencies and caring Connecting personal, professional, career and civic aspirations for a lifelong commitment to competencies and caring