1 Exotic Disease Response (EDR) Training IRS – Surveillance Visits
Administration Officer – Surveillance 2 This session covers the IRS Surveillance activities performed during the following processes: Organise Surveillance Field Teams Schedule Surveillance Visits Evaluate and Record Surveillance Visit Receive Samples and Send to Lab Evaluate Lab Results from Surveillance Visit Training Agenda
Administration Officer – Surveillance 3 Session Outcomes At the end of this session you should be able to perform the following IRS functions: create a visit plan create new surveillance teams roster surveillance visits to a team print visit documents enter surveillance visit data enter lab results cancel, confirm and update future surveillance visits
Administration Officer – Surveillance 4 Create Visit Plan
Administration Officer – Surveillance 5 Create Visit Plan At the end of this topic you should be able to: create a visit plan
Administration Officer – Surveillance 6 Create Visit Plan You are now able to: create a visit plan
Administration Officer – Surveillance 7 Organise Surveillance Field Teams
Administration Officer – Surveillance 8 Organise Surveillance Field Teams At the end of this topic you should be able to: create a new surveillance team
Administration Officer – Surveillance 9 Organise Surveillance Field Teams You are now able to: create a new surveillance team
Administration Officer – Surveillance 10 Schedule Surveillance Visit
Administration Officer – Surveillance 11 Schedule Surveillance Visit At the end of this topic you should be able to: describe the schedule surveillance visit process assign surveillance visits to a team print visit documents
Administration Officer – Surveillance 12 Assigning Visits – Concepts Area of Interest = an area defined for the purpose of incursion response activity (surveillance, organism management) comprised of a group of contiguous blocks Block = a useful spatial entity within an area of interest useful for assigning work to teams - an area may be approximately a days work for a team
Administration Officer – Surveillance 13 Area of Interest Blocks All blocks must be inside an Area of Interest Blocks must have no gaps Blocks can not overlap
Administration Officer – Surveillance 14 Assigning Visits – Concepts, cont Strata = an area without a permanent defined boundary, e.g.: –a swamp or pond that only appears after heavy rain –a bush or forest habitat
Administration Officer – Surveillance 15 Strata Must be inside a block
Administration Officer – Surveillance 16 Assigning Visits – Concepts, cont Trap = a device to capture a wild animal or insect
Administration Officer – Surveillance 17 Traps Must be inside a block
Administration Officer – Surveillance 18 Assigning Visits – Concepts, cont Run = a series of short visits in a defined logical order that will be repeated Usually urban properties Visit documentation will print in run order
Administration Officer – Surveillance 19 Assigning Visits – Concepts, cont Place = any building, conveyance, craft, land or structure, and the bed and waters of the sea and any canal, lake, pond, river, or stream
Administration Officer – Surveillance 20 Schedule Surveillance Visit You are now able to: describe the schedule surveillance visit process assign surveillance visits to a team print visit documents
Administration Officer – Surveillance 21 Evaluate & Record Surveillance Visit
Administration Officer – Surveillance 22 Evaluate & Record Surveillance Visit
Administration Officer – Surveillance 23 At the end of this topic you should be able to: describe the Evaluate and Record Surveillance Visit process enter surveillance visit data into IRS enter lab results cancel, confirm and update future surveillance visits as required Evaluate & Record Surveillance Visit
Administration Officer – Surveillance 24 Surveillance tasks can be recorded at 3 levels: Individual = identified animal –e.g. cow number 26, official tag 293, angus Host = as defined for the response –e.g. 20 beef, 200 sheep, 3 pigs Target = all hosts on the property –e.g. 223 hosts for above example Enter Surveillance Data - Concepts
Administration Officer – Surveillance 25 Pre-printed with all Visit Plans with current tasks Field Team Leader fills in: –New UWO (Unwanted Organism) Status and Reason –Re-inspection date or ticks No Further Action Enter Surveillance Data - Concepts, cont
Administration Officer – Surveillance 26 Receive Samples and Send to Lab
Administration Officer – Surveillance 27 Receive Samples and Send to Lab
Administration Officer – Surveillance 28 Receive Samples and Send to Lab
Administration Officer – Surveillance 29 Evaluate Lab Results-Surveillance Visit
Administration Officer – Surveillance 30 Evaluate Lab Results-Surveillance Visit
Administration Officer – Surveillance 31 You are now able to: describe the Evaluate and Record Surveillance Visit process enter surveillance visit data into IRS enter lab results cancel, confirm and update future surveillance visits as required Evaluate & Record Surveillance Visit
Administration Officer – Surveillance 32 Summary During this session we: created a visit plan created new surveillance teams rostered surveillance visits to a team printed visit documents entered surveillance visit data entered lab results cancelled, confirmed and updated future surveillance visits