Central Florida Coordination Area South Florida, St. Johns River and Southwest Florida Water Management Districts
Presentation Overview Background Central Florida Coordination Action Plan
Central Florida Coordination Area (CFCA)
Background SJRWMD proposed issuance of Consumptive Use Permit to Orange County – February 2006 March 2006 Joint Water Management District Governing Board Meeting –WMDs, DEP & Governor’s Office –Coordination Across WMD Boundaries in central Florida
Background Two cycles of water supply planning completed (2000 – 2020 and 2005 – 2025) –Traditional groundwater sources limited and not adequate to meet growing PWS demands on a regional basis –Alternative sources must be developed
Background 1st Step - Guiding Principles and Mutual Understandings among the 3 WMDs Significant increases in demands Insufficient groundwater to satisfy without harm Need to continuously improve predictive tools to quantify available groundwater Need to transition to alternative supplies for future PWS demands Need to equitably distribute remaining groundwater
Central Florida Coordination Area Action Plan How to implement Guiding Principles? 3 WMD’s Developed “Central Florida Coordination Area (CFCA) Action Plan” –3 Components: Regulatory Modeling and Predictive Tools Planning Scope – public supply
Regulatory Component Limits groundwater allocations to a maximum of that needed to meet 2013 demands. For those utilities that commit to building AWS projects to supply water demands beyond 2013, provides opportunity for 20- year permit duration for the 2013 allocation. Short Term - Key Concepts in current rulemaking
Modeling and Tools Component Goal is to make the best set of tools available for regulatory and planning in the region. Develop tools with improved precision for better assessment of impacts due to groundwater uses. Organize and coordinate data-sharing that will ensure consistency in application and updating of the tools.
Planning Component 2006 to 2007 Time Frame Identify: –Future demands –Alternative water supply (AWS) projects to satisfy needs beyond 2013 demand Evaluate combinations of AWS projects to best meet projected demands Develop implementation strategies, including funding from Water Protection & Sustainability Program Coordinate all of above with stakeholders
Regional Water Supply Plans
Evaluate water needs in the region for a 20-year planning period Identify traditional and alternative water supply development projects necessary to meet projected demand Identify water resource development projects that support alternative water supply development Regional Water Supply Plans
CFCA Action Plan Over the short term, this plan will result in: –Greater regulatory consistency –Equitable distribution of available groundwater –Identification of Alternative Water Supply (AWS) projects to be built Over the long term, this plan will result in: –Enhanced planning coordination –Coordinated data collection, models & tools in the region –Equitable distribution of any additional groundwater determined to be available –Implementation of AWS projects to meet future needs
Goals of Action Plan Protection of water resources Equitable distribution of available groundwater Expedited development of AWS projects Consistent results across WMD boundaries
Central Florida Coordination Area Potential Funding Sources Water Resource Protection and Sustainability Trust Funds Water Management District Ad Valorem Taxes State and Federal Appropriations WMD Bonding Matching Requirements