Computer Engineering Rabie A. Ramadan Lecture 5
Templates 2
3 A feature of the C++ programming language that allow functions and classes to operate with generic types Allows a function or class to work on many different data types without being rewritten for each one. A mold from which the compiler generates a family of classes or functions.
Function Templates 4 Behaves like a function that can accept arguments of many different types. A function template represents a family of functions.
Function Templates declaration 5 template Indicates that T is a template parameter Equivalent to template Variables declared with ‘const’ added become constants and cannot be altered by the program. Helps in error messages Which one is constant, the pointer or the variable ? const int * Constant2; int const * Constant2; int * const Constant3; int const * const Constant4;
const 6 const int * Constant2 ; Declares that Constant2 is variable pointer to a constant integer int const * Constant2; An alternative syntax which does the same, int * const Constant3 Declares that Constant3 is constant pointer to a variable integer int const * const Constant4 Declares that Constant4 is constant pointer to a constant integer.
Class Template 7
Members of Class Templates 8 Members of templated classes are defined differently than those of nontemplated classes.
Templates for Constructors and Destructors 9
Class Template Instantiation 10 B
Templates vs. Macros 11 #define SquareOf(x) x*x It defines a kind of function which, used in an actual piece of code, Looks exactly like any other function call: Double yout, xin=3; yout = SquareOf(xin); The formal syntax of a macro is: #define name(dummy1[,dummy2][,...]) tokenstring
How does a compiler handle a macro? 12 It gets handled and done with at compilation time rather than at run time. When the compiler encounters a previously defined macro, it first isolates its actual arguments, handling them as plain text strings separated by commas. It then parses the tokenstring, isolates all occurrences of each dummy-argument symbol and replaces it by the actual argument string. The whole process consists entirely of mechanical string substitutions with almost no semantic testing!
Why should that be a problem? 13 The following code compiles without any problem: you probably expect the output of this program to be:
Why should that be a problem? 14 What you actually get, however, is this: What happened? When the compiler met the string "SquareOf(xin+4)", it replaced it with the string "x*x" and then replaced each of the dummy- argument-strings "x" by the actual-argument-string "xin+4", obtaining the final string "xin+4*xin+4" which, in fact, evaluates to 19 and not to the expected 49. ?
Another vision 15 compilers ignore macros until they are invoked. If macro A(...) contains a call to macro B(...) there is no reason for the definitions of the two macros to appear in any particular order. If the definitions are in a header file, that of macro A may precede the one of macro B. It is only important that both macros be defined when macro A is actually called. On the other hand, when a macro is never invoked, its definition is completely irrelevant. Your header file may therefore contain nonsensical definitions of a number of unused macros and you will not find out until, at some later revision, you actually invoke one of them! Other problems could be found here: