National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Introduction to Programming Design by C Algorithms and Computational.


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Presentation transcript:

National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Introduction to Programming Design by C Algorithms and Computational Biology Lab Department of Computer Science ans Information Engineering National Taiwan University Speaker: Yao-Ting Huang Advisor: Kun-Mao Chao

National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 2 My Programming Experience I will try my best to answer your questions.  All kinds of questions are welcome. Primary programming languages  Java, C/C++. Secondary programming languages  Perl, MatLab, VB. Other software development experience  J2EE(JSP/Servlet), ASP.  J2ME, WAP, SMS.  database programming, network programming.

National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 3 Hardware-Software Architecture Hardware (Intel x86) Operating System (Windows, Unix) Applications (C program, Java) C Program Compiler /Linker OS Binary File

National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 4 How to Write and Compile a C Program C Compilers:  Unix platform: GNU C compiler (gcc)  Windows platform: Microsoft Visual C, Borland Turbo C, etc. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on Windows platform  Microsoft Visual Studio.NET,  Borland C++ Builder,  and many others.

National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 5 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Various Hardware Operating Systems Java Applications Java Virtual Machine Various Hardware Operating Systems.NET Applications.NET Framework

National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 6 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET.NET Framework 為整個.NET 平台的基礎結構。包含了基 底類別的程式庫,以及 Common Language Runtime 。 Visual Studio.NET 2003 包含 Visual Basic 、 Visual C# 和 Visual C++ ,以及 Visual J# 程式語言。 開發任何 Visual Studio.NET 語言都能存取相同的工具、設 計工具以及編輯器。 XML Web Service 是一個提供其他應用程式資料與服務的應 用程式邏輯單位。應用程式會透過常見的 Web 通訊協定與 資料格式像是 HTTP 、 XML 以及 SOAP 來存取 XML Web Service 。 利用 Visual Basic.NET 或 Visual C#.NET 設計於 Pocket PC 與 Windows CE.NET 環境的程式。

National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 7 Today’s Outline How to build a project How to create, compile, and execute a C program How to debug a C program